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Description de Backupify
La sauvegarde SaaS Backupify facilite la récupération des applications à partir de Google Workspace [anciennement G Suite] et Microsoft Office 365, notamment concernant les e-mails, fichiers, sites et Teams. Backupify vous protège contre toutes les formes de perte de données, y compris les suppressions accidentelles ou malveillantes, les comptes d'employés fermés et les ransomwares, le tout à partir d'un tableau de bord web facile à utiliser.
La solution protège désormais plus de 4,5 millions d'utilisateurs, dans des entreprises de technologies logicielles comme des établissements d'enseignement (personnel et étudiants).
Qui utilise Backupify ?
Pour les entreprises qui gèrent des services informatiques en interne et qui cherchent à sauvegarder leurs opérations sous Microsoft 365 et Google. La solution est adaptée aux entreprises du bâtiment, des technologies/SaaS, de la fabrication, de l'immobilier, de l'éducation, etc.
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Avis sur Backupify
Avantages :
Produit très fiable et très abordable. Facile à utiliser.
Inconvénients :
Pas de défaut comme produit. C'est fiable et abordable.
Easy to manage, reliable backups to the cloud.
Commentaires : The sales staff were knowledgeable and friendly. It was very easy to setup and use, and has worked very well.
Avantages :
Conforms to all the data security standards, Reliable, and easy to use.
Inconvénients :
I have no complaints. The product works well.
Commentaires : I couldn't be happier with the product. While there's some room for improvement, the overall experience has been tremendous, and their support staff is right on top of things with an answer for me the one time I called in with a question.
Avantages :
I love that the interface is extremely easy to use, as well as it's reliability. Having the ability to go back months or years to grab a file from a long departed employee is incredibly helpful
Inconvénients :
I'd like it if there was some emails or alerts if there was an issue backing up. Backupify does try again on the next cycle, but it would be nice to know if there was an issue.
Backupify Salesforce Backups
Commentaires :
Backupify is a very bad solution for Salesforce backups; I inherited this solution and unfortunately was not able to cancel the service since there was no easy way to extract all historical backups.
Datto the parent company is retiring this service, working with their support team for over a month they were just able to extract our backups from early January 2021; just for 1/5/2021. One day, I was hoping to get all my historical backups from 4+ years of using their service. Glad we decided to go to a much better solution a while ago, would not recommend this service or anything to do with Datto to anyone.
Avantages :
Pretty straight forward setup and maintenance; however, with very limited features and customizations
Inconvénients :
User Interface is lacking, browsing the historical backups takes a very long time for the UI to respond and to extract/export specific backup takes a very long time to process (sometimes over 24 or 48 hours). If you want to extract and older back up expect to spend at least 30 minutes browsing Backupify User Interface (wait time for page refresh or response) and then anywhere from 2 hours to 48 hours to get a notification about your export is ready to download. This is for just one Salesforce object (data table), if you want to do the whole Salesforce org (all objects/tables) good luck it is not possible.
Simple Effective Online Backup for M365 Environments
Commentaires : Backupify solves a number of issues for us after moving to O365 we looked at a number of products. All of them just as complicated or expensive as the last. When we found backupify we were amazed and the price and the product.
Avantages :
Implementation is connecting Backupify to your Microsoft tenant and your off to the races. I love that the backup are always on. It backs up my entire Exchange, OneDrive, and Sharepoint environments it direct talks to the MS Servers and backs up all our data.
Inconvénients :
I wish the interface was a bit more responsive.