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Quizizz for Schools
Description de Quizizz for Schools
Quizizz est une plateforme d'apprentissage qui utilise la gamification pour rendre le contenu immersif et attrayant. Les participants peuvent bénéficier d'un apprentissage en direct et asynchrone en utilisant n'importe quel appareil, en personne ou à distance. La solution permet aux enseignants et aux formateurs d'obtenir des données et des avis instantanés, pendant que les apprenants bénéficient de fonctionnalités de gamification dans des questionnaires amusants et compétitifs et des présentations interactives.
Qui utilise Quizizz for Schools ?
Étudiants ou travailleurs à la recherche d'une plateforme d'apprentissage par questionnaire gamifiée.
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Quizizz for Schools
Avis sur Quizizz for Schools
One of my Favorites
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
Manque d'ergonomie
Commentaires : Globalement l'expérience a été médiocre, en effet il manque pour notre utilisation pas mal de fonctionnalité et nous avons subit de nombreux bug lors de "live" auprès d'animations avec nos collaborateurs.
Avantages :
La facilité de transformer le quiz interactif en quiz écrit est très simple d'utilisation
Inconvénients :
Il manquait pas mal de fonctionnalités tel que d'autre choix de questions, relier les points par exemple, brainstorming et cie....
Un outil simple pour apporter un peu de gamification
Avantages :
- Facilité d'utilisation- Facilité de partage
Inconvénients :
- Certaines fonctionnalités manquantes par rapport à la concurrence
Très bien comme logiciel
Avantages :
Ce qui m’a particulièrement appréciée dans ce logiciel c’est la lanière sont edt dispose le site internet
Inconvénients :
Et ce que j’ai le moins apprécié dans le logiciel sont le fait qu’il est que en ligne et non en application
Super sous tous les angles
Avantages :
- simple d'utilisation- design épuré - engageant
Inconvénients :
- aucun points faibles - le logiciel est génial il n'y a rien a redire
Effective Formative Assessments
Commentaires : Great experience overall. My students really enjoy the review games.
Avantages :
Easy formatting for online quizzes and reviews. Also, finding quizzes from other teachers and implementing into your reviews games is a plus.
Inconvénients :
Nothing to report. Sometimes the login can be confusing for teenagers.
Go-to Engagement Platform
Commentaires : Quizizz is a solid choice for anyone looking for an easy way to gamify learning and to engage learners. Within minutes of loading the program, a user can find and begin playing a quiz. So easy to use, and the students really enjoy the competition and the memes!
Avantages :
Quizizz is very user friendly and easy to use. One of the highlights of the platform is its library of user-generated content, allowing users to find existing question sets to match any content or curriculum. Creating games can take some getting used to, but all the existing content makes the platform accessible and easy to deploy.
Inconvénients :
Creating games can take a little getting used to; it helps to have some prior experience with this kind of platform. However, with a little problem solving, this can be overcome.
Its becoming a bit of a cash cow.
Commentaires : I'll be using google forms, because its free and I can access results without paying through the nose.
Avantages :
Its a decent platform, but the pay wall is just so high, its over $200 a year for a teacher in Australia.
Inconvénients :
The price gouging, there is a cost of living crisis and teachers don’t get paid that well.
Quiz Questions
Avantages :
I love the interactive games that help with learning. There are many questions with images and a large library to find all your quiz questions.
Inconvénients :
You are limited unless you have a subscription.
Great features but expensive
Commentaires : It was fantastic until my activities became useless without a paid subscription. I also had to delete several activities recently because it says I need the paid subscription to have them in my library. Once again, another jab to students and educators who can’t afford the paid subscription.
Avantages :
I loved having my students be able to play games while learning. It was easy to keep track of their progress and they had fun competing against each other
Inconvénients :
I used to be able to use the voice feature for free for my students who can’t read yet and created several activities. In the last couple years though I can’t use them without the paid subscription and I don’t even have a budget to use to pay for it.
Site Does not function properly and support is offshore and ineffective.
Commentaires : HORRIBLE. Cannot get team members to access the site due to issues with not receiving invites, no password reset, deleting account does not help. VERY poor execution.
Avantages :
none. site never functions as featured.
Inconvénients :
Few things work properly on this site. Tech Support responds one day later with no solutions, a "sorry" message filled with meaningless words. Off shore support!
Option for other application
Commentaires : An option for another application that we use
Avantages :
What i like most about Quizizz for scholls is easy to use
Inconvénients :
What i least like about Quizizz for schools is the prize is not friendly
Quizizz is a fun, engaging, educational resource!
Commentaires : I am thrilled with Quizizz as an educator and share about it often. I use it nearly daily in school, and often create homework links for students that I tutor to expend their learning.
Avantages :
I love that Quizizz is easy to use and the students enjoy it! I have used this for whole class warmups, individual homework links, and during tutoring sessions. I
Inconvénients :
There is very little to complain about with Quizizz! I use it nearly daily and in multiple settings. At some point I may need to try the premium version to see if there is more that I'm missing out on. I really enjoy the free version!
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
It's More Fun in Quizziz
Commentaires : My experience is exeptional specially my learners, they are having fin while learning
Avantages :
The Evaluation quiz itself. It is very impactful because the learners performances increased when I used Quizziz
Inconvénients :
For me the product is the best because it is user friendly, it does not require formal training to use it.
Quizizz is great
Commentaires : Overall, it was a great tool to have on-hand.
Avantages :
Quizizz is great for independent work and provides options to keep students engaged without them getting too frustrated.
Inconvénients :
Sometimes it can be repetitive and the students don't love that.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
This is a great tool for remote/traditional classrooms
Commentaires : I have used quizizz every day for warmups, quick assessments and extra practice. It is bonafide.
Avantages :
I love the changes you make that are so student centered. Powerups, etc. students love personal choice and you make it easy. I also love how the questions & answers are on the same screen so students who are learning remotely can see both. That is a huge plus over kahoot.
Inconvénients :
I love this software. If it integrated with our grade portal that would be nice, but our grade portal is a sad little app that no one uses.
Wonderful alternative assessment tool!
Commentaires : I am constantly trying to get my co-workers to give quizizz a try. Many are hesitant to try something new in fear that it will be difficult to use and not student friendly. It automatically grades, allows for multiple attempts, generates a homework code and can generate an item analysis report. I use it very often as a formative assessment just before the test. This allows for an intervention with the student before the test. The option to email the parent a copy of the quiz helps keep the parents in the loop if necessary. Now with distance learning, i have an even greater appreciation for the software because it seamlessly integrates with google classroom.
Avantages :
I love how this assessment tool can be student paced and the questions are seen on the individual electronic devices. Teaching students with a variety of learning differences, this allows for them to take the quizizz in their time.
Inconvénients :
Honestly this software is almost perfect!...But I would love to be able to filter question type (MC, checkbox, FITB, poll, open-ended) when teleporting questions from other Quizizz users.
An easy way for teachers to conduct quizzes
Avantages :
Quizizz has developed a unique way of conducting quizzes for students in a learning environment, be it classrooms or online environments.
Inconvénients :
Nothing in particular, the overall application seems fine.
Not so Convinced
Avantages :
I like creating interactive games for my students and Quizziz is one of the educational websites that I sometimes visit. I like the part where I can view my student´s progress on the leaderboard as well as for the students to also be able to see their performance stats. This challenges them to do better in the next games.
Inconvénients :
I´m not really a techie person. I ask Google a lot of questions about how to do things or stuff related to some websites or applications. So for someone like me, I wouldn´t find it very user-friendly. It took me a while to figure out how things work on this website.
Quizizz review!
Commentaires : It is a great experience for children, teens and maybe even adults! The quizzes they have are excellent!
Avantages :
I love that you can create your own quizziz, as well as assign them, I love that you can pick from their quizziz options too! I also like where
Inconvénients :
Honestly there were not too many negatives for Quizizz. The only negative is that you need a school subscription, which I'm not a big fan of.
Gamify and Engages your Students and Team with Quizzes
Avantages :
- We have used Quizizz extensively for student learning gamification by creating and using some of Quizizz's library of quizzes.- Apart from this, we have also used this for internal events between team members and beyond, for hosting interactive quizzes, and it was a wonderful experience using this.
Inconvénients :
- No functionality to keep long-term quizzes live which does not require a person managing them.
Top Notch Quiz Maker
Avantages :
The easy use of tools to create a quiz game, sharing the code to your friends or colleagues and then the fun begins.
Inconvénients :
Time lag of selecting the answer and the timer buzzing became irritating but i blame the poor internet connection.
Product Review
Commentaires : It is easy to use, user friendly, informative.
Avantages :
Material at one place and learning with games and Quizes is a fun
Inconvénients :
didn't come across any one yet for this website
A Review about Quizizz based on the Perspective of a University Education Student
Avantages :
What I like the most about Quizizz is it helps every teacher to make every class enjoyable and fun. It also gives the opportunity to make online classes not boring as there are features of this software that can be used as a game for the students that promotes healthy and positive competition, which leads to effective and efficient learning for the students.My favorite features include "multiple choice," "Reorder," "Match," and "Fill-in-the-blank" because it is helpful for recall or review session. I can create a quiz that will test the students to see whether they can still remember and fully understand those lessons that are taught to them so that I can see whether they are now ready for the next class. My other favorite feature is "Open-ended," since they are able to share their answers even though it is long. With this feature, I believe that it gives the students the impression that the class is inclusive and anything that is in their mind is welcome and heard.Lastly, "Poll" is also my favorite feature as it helps me to know what most of the class agreed with.In addition to all of this, there is also a good deal that they offer nowadays which is free upgrade to "SUPER," for 30 days in every successful invite of co-teacher. I am able to grab it once and it is worth it!
Inconvénients :
What I like the least about Quizizz is I think they still do not have that much features. there are only a few variety of activities to choose from. But for me I can still use other software together with Quizizz to make lesson enjoyable.
Make Learning Fun
Commentaires : I really enjoy using this platform during my online classes and my students also enjoy it a lot. I would highly recommend to use this platform .
Avantages :
It makes my online classes very interactive and I love the features provided by the platform to create quiziz i.e. I can add images to the questions and can create both open ended and close ended quiz. I can play quiz live in the class or can be given as assignment for homework. Different background themes provided by the platform are really liked by students
Inconvénients :
I really don't like its background music because I am a regular user of this platform during my online class. But the good part is I can mute it from my end.
An Important Complement to My Teaching Tools
Commentaires : My overall experience with Quizizz is positive. I do appreciate it being linked to my Google Classroom.
Avantages :
It was a pleasure to have been introduced to this product in August 2017 because since then I have been using this product in both pre-teaching and in assessment for my students in Grades3, 4, 5, and 6 at St. Cecilia's School and in my Religious Education Programme (CCD) at St. Cecila's Church. I use the multiple-choice aspect to assist my students in mastery the content and concepts in my classes and I use the open-end questions in final assessments for my older students. I sometime mixed the diffeent types of question to allow students with spelling and language issues to find more ease in their assessment. Thank you for developing this product. It has eased much of my stress in marking quizzes and in helping students take control of their learning. I complements the other tools that I use splendidly. Colajean Butler St. Cecilia's Catholic School and Parish Nassau, Bahamas
Inconvénients :
I find it challenging not to be able to edit a quiz after students have begun using it. Sometimes I may have an error that I did not detect before use and I would need to introduce a new code when a quiz was already in use. If a quiz has not be used, I can edit, but occassionaly, I do not identify mistakes until after students begin using the product.