17 ans à aider les entreprises françaises
à choisir le meilleur logiciel
Description de Spike
Spike est un espace de travail tout-en-un qui transforme vos e-mails en de simples discussions par messagerie instantanée. Réunissez toutes vos outils de communications et de collaboration au sein d'un seul espace de travail : e-mails, chats, appels, collaboration d'équipe, tâches, etc. Optez pour une solution qui propose l'application de messagerie facile à utiliser dont votre équipe a toujours rêvé, sans jamais altérer vos flux de travail.
Spike fonctionne avec votre boîte mail existante et est disponible sur iOS, Android, Mac, Windows et navigateur web.
Qui utilise Spike ?
Toute personne fatiguée de passer d'une application à l'autre et qui cherche une meilleure messagerie en ligne. Optez pour Spike. E-mails conversationnels. Collaboration rationalisée. Tous les outils de productivité dont vous avez besoin.
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Avis sur Spike
Logiciel de messagerie
Avantages :
C'est un super produit et très complet avec de multiples fonctionnalités et permet aux entreprises de gérer le service client.
Inconvénients :
Je n'ai pas d'inconvénients sur ce logiciel. Je vous le conseil
An awesome email client
Commentaires : Overall - a great app and reasonably priced. Highly recommended.
Avantages :
The way Spike sorts emails is genius. It turned my inbox into a chat-like experience, where emails are grouped by people and not threads/topics - so it actually feels like I'm using a IM and not an outdated email client.
Inconvénients :
Some of the more advanced features still need some work. I'd love to see tagging in notes (so collaboration would be smoother), or the option to add a call link into an invite directly (like in Google Calendar).
Réponse de l'équipe de Spike
l’année dernière
We're glad you're enjoying Spike's powerful inbox and conversational email client, Adir. Collaborative Notes are displayed on the right side of the note if you click on the little bubble on the upper part, providing you the name of the user, the time, and what was added by it, hope this is what you are referring to. If you ever need assistance, we're here: chat@spikenow.com
eMail made modern, simple and transparent
Commentaires : It's a bit of a change of approach, coming from more classical email services, but I'm finding myself drawn more and more to this app, and it has effectively supplanted my use of all other mail clients. I find the message-centred (i.e. like a chat thread) approach enlightening and very efficient. The learning curve has been very shallow (i.e. I've learned a lot / feel comfortable using Spike in a short time) and I'm really enjoying using the App!
Avantages :
+ The ease of use - everything is in one place, and it's easy to concentrate on the information in the messages, rather than filtering through quoted text or long emails that duplicate something already on my computer. + The modern approach - as much as business is still formal, and we value salutations and signatures, they distract from the message we are sending, and email is being supplanted by chats/blogs/... And Spike embraces this trend without losing the formality (it's just hidden) + The semi-automatic email account setup - Spike recognised (in most cases) what kind of email account I had (Gmail, or Exchange, or IMAP) and pre-filled parts of the server data (or eliminated me having to enter it at all) which made setting up accounts a breeze. + The incredibly fast customer service - The CS team is really fast (and personable, and friendly and helpful) when I have an issue. And I feel super well-taken-care-of. Not a given in today's fast moving automated world.
Inconvénients :
There are still a few growing pains, and some features are not fully implemented yet. Some things that aren't working perfectly are the calendar integration, .ics files/invitations, and sometimes Spike won't recognise the email/name I'm typing in to give me reasonable proposals.... But these are minor details in the great scheme of things, and given the age of the app, there are truly very few bugs or glitches!
Réponse de l'équipe de Spike
l’année dernière
Thank you so much for your encouraging star ratings, Michael! Currently, RSVPs can only be answered through the desktop version, but we've upvoted this to be considered by our dev team in future updates. If we can ever help with any technical issues, feel free to message us at chat@spikenow.com
Spike alters the conents of you mail or charges $144 to "allow" you unaltered email.
Commentaires : Terrible. Their business approach is misleading - they actually alter the contents of your emails without clearly stating they will do so.
Avantages :
It looks nice. Pretty UI. Email organization is ok for a single email address *IF* you don't care about your in-email branding or your own signature.
Inconvénients :
The problems start with multiple accounts. I tried with my personal one, my company one and one I use from a client of mine. The organization got very confusing when one person wrote to more than one of my accounts. It got worse when I wanted to write a new email to a person who wrote me at more than one account. It was an utter mess. But the reason I give this such a bad review is that what they did not tell me was that they remove my branding - my signatures and replace them with their advert. This was not clearly stated anywhere - I discovered it when I wrote myself a test. I did eventually find in their pricing table that Free accounts don't get "custom signatures". I also found that to use MY branding I am expected to pay them $144.
Réponse de l'équipe de Spike
l’année dernière
Hi there, Spike email app has improved productivity and communications for thousands of teams. We are sorry that your experience was not according to your expectations. If there is any way we can assist with anything, please let us know! Feel free to send us a message at pro@spikenow.com.
Not your regular email management app
Avantages :
Spike gives me the liberty and flexibility i need to not just handle mails but also to collaborate with colleagues, share files amongst ourselves, organize chats and enjoy the use of A.I in increasing my productivity.
Inconvénients :
Absolutely nothing! It's amazing good and easy to use.