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Brainloop BoardRoom
Description de Brainloop BoardRoom
Fondé en 2000, Brainloop est le fournisseur britannique de solutions hautement sécurisées de collaboration et de gouvernance d'entreprise qui connaît la plus forte croissance. Brainloop BoardRoom offre un portail pour des communications efficaces et sécurisées entre le conseil et les comités. Il rationalise et simplifie la manière dont les packs de réunion sont créés, distribués, révisés et mis à jour, tandis que les utilisateurs finaux peuvent y accéder et collaborer dessus via n'importe quel appareil en ligne et hors ligne.
Qui utilise Brainloop BoardRoom ?
Les équipes de conseil, de direction et d'administration cherchant à rationaliser la gestion des réunions du conseil, à créer un accès et une collaboration sécurisés en ligne/hors ligne pour leurs données les plus sensibles et à se conformer aux politiques de conformité.
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Brainloop BoardRoom
Avis sur Brainloop BoardRoom
Review of Brainloop BoardRoom
Commentaires : Simplicity makes it more appropriate to use. When in meetings, it is helpful to have the agenda displayed as a PDF with the ability to bookmark and search by section.
Avantages :
The software provides a very positive end-user experience, is effective for our team members who create the board packs, and maintains incredibly secure secret information.
Inconvénients :
Permissions can be a little tricky, but once set up, everything seems to work well. The more you utilize the software, the simpler it is to solve these problems.
Great experience. Using for both electronic board pack and deals.
Commentaires : being able to use it as a dataroom
Avantages :
The ability to use for board packs and deals. We have been able to save in datasites since we signed up with Brainloop.
Inconvénients :
At times it could take a while to upload documents. Sometimes the site crashes if it took too long to upload.
Very efficient and Secure
Avantages :
The software has a very good end user experience is efficient for our people who produce the board packs and keeps confidential information extremely secure
Inconvénients :
Its a very sophisticated bit of software and can take a while to understand all the settings and functionality/
Team was fantastic and was very patient/understanding in what we required for the business
Avantages :
Combining the papers is easy and saves me days stood at the photocopier churning out numerous copies of governance papers and then physically binding them all. The ability to amend governance papers is easy and less time consuming than before.
Inconvénients :
Can be a little fiddly with permissions but once set up it all seems to run smoothly. The more you use the software the easier it becomes to sort these issues out
It is quite a intuitive system to use and looks simple with good functionality.
Avantages :
Simplicity. Displaying as a PDF with functionality to bookmark and look per section of the agenda assists when in meetings.
Inconvénients :
It takes a long time to synchronise and although you can remove a data room, I don't think this is a particularly good solution as they are in constant use and would be a pain to keep adding,.