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Description de h2o
H2O est une plateforme de machine learning en mémoire entièrement open source et distribuée avec une évolutivité linéaire. H2O prend en charge les algorithmes statistiques et machine learning les plus répandus, notamment les machines à gradient renforcé, les modèles linéaires généralisés, le deep learning et bien d'autres encore. H2O dispose également d'une fonctionnalité AutoML à la pointe du secteur qui passe automatiquement en revue tous les algorithmes et leurs hyperparamètres pour produire un classement des meilleurs modèles.
Qui utilise h2o ?
Solution de machine learning en open source pour aider les entreprises en gérant la publicité en ligne, la gestion des réclamations, la détection des fraudes, une analytique avancée et plus encore.
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Avis sur h2o
Great at making machine learning accessible
Avantages :
For the machine learning algorithms built into the program, they are incredibly optimizable. Every parameter and hyperparameter of each algorithm is tuneable, and the GUI allows all of this as well.
Inconvénients :
Programmatically using the software is difficult because the documentation is lacking and it is hard to find the documentation that they do have. It’s easier to use the GUI, but that isn’t good for an end-to-end solution.
Commentaires : Ran analysis on the data quickly and without having to code anything.
Avantages :
This is easy to use. I can quickly run a lot of well known algorithms without having to code anything at all. The open source nature helps too.
Inconvénients :
The docume.ntation can be improved substantially. Also, need to provide the ability to tweak some algorithms.
H2O is value use fully for artificial intelligence.
Commentaires : H2O is a Strong Performer in Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning.
Avantages :
Mostly ai can use or automation work. and H2O.ai is a Strong Performer in Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning.
Inconvénients :
In this software main part is use of that software. H2O not user friendly that way user think for uses.
Quickly build, train and tune your models
Commentaires : Almost every model I have built, firstly I give a chance to H2O and see basic outcomes. After that, I switch to Python and manually build, tune, train and test my models.
Avantages :
I really like H2O machine learning and deep learning algorithms. I use its GUI for preprocessing and analyzing data. I can choose easily model type and tune it via options. It is really fast and run on really low memory like 2 GB. I have learn lotta new information about ML and deep learning thanks to H2O's help buttons.
Inconvénients :
Some model parameters can not be changed. Also I dom't like its preprocessing process. It misreads some characters for some file types.
H2O.Ai Product Review
Commentaires : The major benefit of the product in the AutoMl. It's really useful when you are trying to optimize the parameters.
Avantages :
AutoMl is really useful and saves hours of work. H2O flow is easy use and it's very easy to get started using H2O flow. There is also support for python and R
Inconvénients :
There is no feature engineering. Depending on your data size, H2O.AI can take up lots of memory.