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Description de GoConqr
GoConqr fournit aux éducateurs les outils dont ils ont besoin pour améliorer les capacités d'apprentissage de leurs élèves. GoConqr offre aux étudiants une expérience d'apprentissage immersive et collaborative grâce à des outils de création de contenu qu'ils peuvent utiliser pour créer de fantastiques ressources d'apprentissage, du matériel d'apprentissage pertinent créé par les utilisateurs dans la bibliothèque GoConqr ou la possibilité de partager des ressources et des idées en groupes.
Qui utilise GoConqr ?
Les institutions universitaires du monde entier qui souhaitent rendre l'apprentissage plus personnalisé et dynamique pour leurs élèves.
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Avis sur GoConqr
More than a quiz software
Commentaires : My students really liked it and created a great gamification environment among them.
Avantages :
So many options and customization. Really like to see other teachers work and being able to share mine with them. Love it to create interactive lessons and gave it to students to create quizzes and tools for studying.
Inconvénients :
Sometimes is hard to find material for specific subjects but probably because of the way teachers upload their content. Maybe they should benefit from growing their community.
A Very Good Resource For Students and Teachers
Commentaires : I have been using GoConqr with my 6th year computer class as I always try to show LC students some good ways of studying and revising using online resources as well as Office software. My class this year are very positive about the site, particularly as it offers a lot of free content. I would have a quite mixed economic profile in the group and some may move up to the paid version but many will be very happy with the basic+. The basic is limited enough in terms of the 3 subjects but they have plenty of friends to email for the basic+ upgrade. As a teachers we are always reluctant to set up a group with our pupils but they are well used to social media and some study groups have been started among themselves. I find creating the resources intuitive and easy to pick up. Like all revision aides it is up to the person themselves to review their quiz, mindmaps or flash cards. You can only lead the horse to the water, and I feel your water is very good! My main suggestion is a way for teachers to share resources with pupils via a link that could be shared via our network folder (On a Word doc say) without us needing to have student's personal emails. (Our kids don't have school mail addresses as yet). Good luck with your product for the future!
Avantages :
Free version has a lot in it. Study calendar links to subjects.
Inconvénients :
Always nervous about any 'Social Media' element such as comments.
Goconqr, Changing the classroom, one student at a time.
Commentaires :
I began experimenting with Goconqr last year by making my own flashcards to give the students as I have an interactive whiteboard but the students do not have access to computers in the classroom with limited success as I would use it to summarise the topics and as revision for exams.
However it is only this year that I have dramatic results. In most cases students are smarter than teachers in the use of technology but they don't use it for education and teachers are teaching the same way they were taught 30 years ago. Goconqr has been the great equaliser and has helped not only my top students but those students who are from mt lower ability classes
I started the year by showing them the site, how to register and than how to create firstly minmaps, than flash cards followed by slideshares and quizzes. I constantly provide feedback to my students and here is where it gets really interesting. I started to streamline the process by getting students to do 20 questions with answers on each chapter, basically providing a summary of each chapter and I would review it.. Almost immediately the students marks started to improve but where the improvement was most dramatic was when I told the students that wherever possible they would have to include diagrams which really helped reinforce concept. I would then on a regular basis use students work as a summary to either begin or end each days lessons. I than found something quite strange starting to happen, students would make friends with each other and would form groups and would attempt each others flashcards, mindmaps and quizzes. The site started to take a mind of its own with myself acting as interloper. I on person stopped making any flashcards myself and just started directing the students with encouragement. Students would start to use printed versions of the flashcards to revise for exams on the way to school and started to use the same technique for their other subjects as well. The biggest improvement however cam from my lower ability classes who used the Goconqr site and the flashcards to help them use their time more wisely and their marks improved accordingly.
Some suggestions could be a pause button on the mindmap, a voice over to be able to read the flashcards for the teacher and the ability to be able to import content from word or another website.
Overall this is an amazing site which has enabled students to utilise their computer skills to make learning fun and has improved their marks greatly
Thankful to have!
Commentaires :
We searched several Mind-mapping softwares...and this one is great. We do have a few features we wish were available:
1). Ability to label a picture
2). Create an independent node
3). Resize final image for printing
4). Ability to move nodes/images to the foreground or background when layering.
Avantages :
Ease of use. The output design and how the nodes work.
Inconvénients :
Inability to move nodes/images to front or back Inability to create independent nodes Inability to label a picture Would love final pdf to be sizable or rotatable.
Easy to use and comprehensive to drive content development and delivery
Commentaires : Amazing product, with a host of features and functionality, tools to develop content and platform to deliver a social learning experience for all our staff
Avantages :
It's free, great tool, great integration and great product
Inconvénients :
Réponse de l'équipe de ExamTime
il y a 8 ans
Thanks Paul, appreciate the feedback!