17 ans à aider les entreprises françaises
à choisir le meilleur logiciel
Description de Outbrain
Nos emplacements uniques nous permettent de recommander vos contenus à une audience adaptée, au moment même où elle cherche des contenus intéressants à découvrir.
Qui utilise Outbrain ?
Marketing en ligne
Outbrain ne vous convainc pas tout à fait ?
Comparer avec une alternative populaire
Avis sur Outbrain
publication de contenus frauduleux
Commentaires : très déçu des contenus affichés, je sais bien qu'on va me dire qu'outbrain n'y est pour rien car il propose juste les encarts, mais pour moi vous avez un devoir de verification des contenus diffusés. et je constate que 90% des annonces sont de la pub mensongère
Avantages :
innonder le web de pub mensongères c'est magnifique ! Merci a vos clients
Inconvénients :
les internautes pensent voir un "article sponsorisé" mais c'est de la pub mensongère qu'on voit au final, exemple le fameux boitier smart energy qui est une arnaque a 99€
Helps with page views
Avantages :
Easy to utilize user interface that enables actual time updates and reporting. Complete exposure into outcomes that enables my group to make modifications that will right away affect the project performance.The platform is really user-friendly.
Inconvénients :
You cannot make edits to existing projects once they are live, you need to recreate them if you wish to alter any aspects.
An amazing way to reach new customers!
Commentaires : wat to reach new users
Avantages :
It's a great way to reach the best audience at the right time. Outbrain bring us the best ROI we ever seen from other PPC platforms.
Inconvénients :
It has friendly UI, and great ways to reach various target audiences. The only cons its that you need some short period of training on the system.
Access to great media, but targeting and exclusions are limited
Commentaires : A good experience but could be better when spending alot of money each month.
Avantages :
We like that we are able to target new audiences on new medias and get a good ROI when running Ads witho outbrain.
Inconvénients :
We wasted alot of clicks and impressions on low quality websites as we are limited to how many we can actually exclude. This actually caused us to cancel alot of campaigns with Outbrain.
Easy to use but also difficult
Commentaires : It is an awesome way to get traffic to your site. It's top notch and the options and demographics is so easy to get stats and build upon them on your next campaign.
Avantages :
Its very quick to get started and creating campaigns. You have a lot of useful options to create you campaigns. ec. locations, placements, os type.
Inconvénients :
Editing your already created campaigns content. Lets say you created a campaign and added a picture and you have to edit the picture. There is no visible way to go in and edit the image. You cannot find the option to edit.