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Description de TrackTik
TrackTik est un logiciel de gestion de la sécurité et de la main-d'œuvre conçu pour répondre aux besoins de l'ensemble du personnel de sécurité et de leurs parties prenantes. Ce performant logiciel web et mobile permet aux responsables de suivre la progression des gardiens, de réduire le nombre de tâches manuelles et d'extraire des informations exploitables des données. Approuvé par plus de 500 clients à travers le monde, TrackTik connecte votre équipe d'intervention à votre back-office et vous donne une présentation de vos opérations de sécurité en un seul endroit.
Qui utilise TrackTik ?
TrackTik est spécialement conçu pour le secteur de la sécurité et ils privilégient l'augmentation de la visibilité, de la productivité et de la compétitivité des entreprises de sécurité.
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Avis sur TrackTik
Bien dans son ensemble apprécié de mes collègues aussi
Commentaires :
J'aime beaucoup ce moyens de travail car cela m'offre la possibilité d'avoir un sentiment d'avoir accompli mes taches journaliere puis evite certains risques de pertes pour le client cela fait bien son travail de prévention
j'apprécie d'avoir une routine (aléatoire)
je trouve cela plutot pratique et facile d'utilisation en tant que patrouilleuse
cest bien aussi davoir a porter de main les numero contact durgence
des rapports et une lampe de poche et autrefois l'hodorateur etait utilisé
puis ce systeme est aussi bien car chaque agent a son compte et offre son rendement
Avantages :
Permet d'avoir une certaine routine bien sur aléatoire et variée permet d'offrir un rendement a son employeur en live Permet d'effectuer des vérification de controle de zone a risque peut eviter plusieurs incidents de nature mineur ou majeur offre un suivi GPS a l'employeur c'est une bonne facon d'apprendre et de découvrir car cela te met au défi lors d'une formation de nouveaux employés
Inconvénients :
certains personnes font les coins rond exemple scan une porte sans meme y avoir vérifier la piece et passe au prochain ne met pas a l'écart ou en garde quil peut y avoir une risque de l'electrocution/tension/shock dans une zone ou sur une boite electrique par exemple ne permet pas d'annuler un poincon lorsqune question a mal été repondue et l'alarme est directement envoyée a l'officier et au client pas bcp de fonctionnalités ny de nouveautés au fil du temps pas de possibilités d'obtenir un horraire d'équipe sur les 3 quarts je suggere une notifications de continuité de ronde meme lorsque les points sont terminées car des endroits chaud pourraient y etre oublié lorsque pas de poincons
We have developed a true partnership, not just a software vendor.
Avantages :
The product is constantly being improved and developed. It's already state-of-the-art architecture versus many others who use outdated coding languages and databases. Add to that the fact that new features are constantly being released...many of which were built by the CEO himself...and we have a truly flexible end-to-end solution that will continue to meet our greatest business needs.
Inconvénients :
It is missing internal audits for quality control and client/employee satisfaction. The reports are really made for client-facing, not for internal control. I hear these features are coming...hopefully soon.
Réponse de l'équipe de TrackTik Software
il y a 7 ans
Hello Jason, thank you for your generous rating! We are always adding new and innovative features monthly and are looking forward to our 2018 line-up. We will continue to gather all your feedback and appreciate your support. Cheers!
Great for security management.
Commentaires : Despite the occasional slowdown which I imagine is due to server load, it's overall a useful software package for managing multiple guards across several locations. Would recommend.
Avantages :
Easy to review edit and submit guard reports for clients. The analytics that are available after setting report categories are helpful. Generally good overall up-time and quick and snappy to move around the dashboard.
Inconvénients :
While usually quick, there have been periods of extreme slowdown where report previews would take upwards of 15 seconds or more to generate making editing and review laborious when you're slogging through 100+ of them. Scheduling module could use some work. Our company looked at but ultimately elected not to use it because it had several drawbacks including not letting officer shifts overlap.
Réponse de l'équipe de TrackTik Software
il y a 5 ans
Hi Andrew, We're glad that you find our software useful to manage multiple guards across several locations. Thank you for bringing your issues with our software to our attention. As we look to continually improve our product, we will take your comments into consideration. Should you have further concerns, contact us at 1-888-670-9782 or support@tracktik.com Thank you, TrackTik
Have worked in the Security Industry for nearly 20 years and accountability should not put the safety of an Officer or the client's property at risk.
Commentaires : If you are serious about providing the best possible service to your clients; then I personally and professionally suggest that the "Scan Button" option for accountability is junked and a less hazardous (both to the Officers and their company's clients) option for accountability be brought forth that can provide "actual" security to a Security Company's client that does not negate the reason that they are there for.
Avantages :
This software provides a catch-all for the company. It provides multiple options for assisting Security Officers and their Management team in providing accountability for the client.
Inconvénients :
In the Security business you are required to be as random in your foot and vehicle patrols as you can be. However, companies are so terrified about accountability that they ignore the concept of being "random" and the TrackTik system seems to support this. ANYONE, who works in the Security field knows the best way to provide coverage for the client is to be unpredictable and random in foot and vehicle patrols, but if you are using the "Scan Button" option that is part of TrackTik, then you have just failed your client. Because anyone that is observing your Officer for 10 to 15 minutes will be able to discover that while the Officer is trying to be random, there are SPECIFIC places that they will be making a client's property unsecure.
Réponse de l'équipe de TrackTik Software
il y a 7 ans
We appreciate your feedback and understand your concern around keeping the routes as random as possible so not to be tracked by potential threats. Accountability is a focus of TrackTik’s as we aim to streamline our client's processes as much as possible. That being said, we also understand the importance of being unpredictable and random in foot and vehicle patrols, which is why we’d like to suggest the following workflow to help you achieve as much unpredictability as possible. When you create a tour with multiple checkpoints, these checkpoints can be scanned in any order, the order is not forced. For randomization, TrackTik always proposes to have multiple tours with those checkpoints, varying the order each time. This way you’re able to provide randomization in your tours. We’d love to discuss this further with you so we can help you achieve the level of service you aim to offer. Please email support@tracktik.com and we’ll get back to you right away.
Daily user!!
Commentaires : We use it on a daily basis, we execute reports, log our activity on the hour. And many other things. One feature I really find useful, is the fact I can go back and edit reports or logs, and also view others. I can also narrow my past reports history down to categories rather than having to search hours of back logs. Very effective software when trying to report and log activities and reports, as well as time stamps.
Avantages :
The ease of getting logged in and started. At my job location, all team members use this daily, we login at the beginning of shift, and out at the end. I find it easy to navigate and use the applications within the software.
Inconvénients :
I really can't think of any cons about the software, maybe that occasionally it freezes up, but not sure if that's our Network, or the software.
Réponse de l'équipe de TrackTik Software
il y a 4 ans
Hi there Zachary, many thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback. We're glad that TrackTik supports you in doing your job more effectively and accurately. That has been our mission since we were first founded.