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Envato Elements
Description de Envato Elements
Envato est une plateforme de produits numériques qui rassemble des solutions destinées aux professionnels dont le travail est créatif. Envato Elements, par exemple, met à disposition des millions de ressources numériques sur la base d'un abonnement mensuel, y compris des thèmes pour les sites web, des contenus audio, vidéo, des plug-ins, etc. La solution Envato Market fonctionne comme un markeplace, qui vend des modèles pour les sites web, les blogs et les boutiques électroniques, créés par des développeurs du monde entier.
Qui utilise Envato Elements ?
Développé pour les concepteurs et autres professionnels du numérique et de la création qui recherchent une plateforme sur laquelle acheter et vendre des produits numériques.
Envato Elements ne vous convainc pas tout à fait ?
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Envato Elements
Alternatives à Envato Elements
Avis sur Envato Elements
Une mine d'or de ressources !
Commentaires : J'utilise Envato surtout pour dénicher des photos MOCKUP dont je me sers pour le montage photo de mes produits. Parfois, je vais aussi rechercher des fonds de page pour décorer une annonce ou autre. J'adore aussi télécharger des trames musicales pour accompagner mes publications sur les réseaux sociaux ! Le répertoire est riche et varié ! J'apprécie énormément et cela me sauve du temps !
Avantages :
J'adore que je puisse y trouver un grand éventail de produits numériques variés : banque de photos, musique libre de droit, graphiques, vidéos, des COURS en ligne sur une diversité de sujet.... et tout récemment, j'ai découvert que Envato offre la chance de participer à certains événements tels que des conférences ou autres...
Inconvénients :
1- Lors de l'enregistrement des éléments que nous voulons conserver dans des collections, nous ne pouvons voir la liste complète des dossiers que nous avons déjà créée, et donc il arrive que nous nous créons des dossiers doublons parce que nous ne pouvions accéder à la liste complète de nos dossiers.2- Lors du téléchargement des éléments, il faut tout d'abord les enregistrer dans un PROJET... et la même situation qu'expliquée ci-dessous se présente. Il n'est possible que de voir un choix de 3 dossiers de projets... Les autres dossiers créés dans le passé n'apparaissent pas automatiquement. La seule façon d'y accéder est d'entrer des mots clés dans le moteur de recherche en espérant qu'ils soient ceux utiliser par le passé.3- Il n'est pas évident de cliquer sur le titulaire de la création pour accéder à un dossier qui présenterait toutes les créations du même artiste (comme l'accès à un portfolio de l'artiste).
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
Envato Elements is a life saver, except...it's expensive
Commentaires : I used Envato Elements for more than 4 years and has been amazing. I still have a lot of things I used from the downloads I have, this year I paused for a bit because it is too pricey .
Avantages :
It has such a broad selection of elements to download, from mockups to type to sound. Absolutely everything I need for designing, social media, brand development and presentations.
Inconvénients :
It's so expensive, maybe if I had a bigger agency it would be worth it.
Easily the Best Stock Media Solution on the Market
Commentaires : The overall experience has been fantastic. The tool does exactly what we require of it and it keeps our team productive.
Avantages :
Paying for unlimited use of the system is by far the best thing about Envato Elements. I have used other systems where you have to load budget into the solution, you're capped to a certain amount of downloads and then you're stuck filling up the tool with money again. Envato makes it easy to split out projects and download the resources necessary to get the job done rather than hitting a cap and stopping your momentum as you wait to get budget approval from your finance team. As a marketer, this is the BEST tool you could want if you're video editing, designing on the Adobe suite, or doing website work where you require a vast selection of stock images. It's simple to use and frictionless!
Inconvénients :
Honestly, zero negative things to say about Envato Elements. I have often referred this tool to other marketers and designers. I have made sure that every place I have worked since I started using the tool 5+ years ago has this tool as well. It's so useful and it makes it easy to carry the momentum forward on a marketing or design project when you aren't worried about limitations or download caps.
Envato needs to improve their customer service
Commentaires : Good
Avantages :
Their designs are excellent The prices are reasonable But worst customer experience
Inconvénients :
The template, the different designs etc.
Envato Elements Offers A Great Bundle Of Creative Resources
Commentaires : I have been using Envato Elements for over 5 years. It's a valuable resource that has provided me with website templates and the use of licensed video and audio files. Also, it's easy to read the licensing agreements (which I recommend reading before use). Envato also provides free files each month with a license for use with one project.
Avantages :
It's an amazing software, however I love the beautiful templates from Envato best. They are like no others that I have tried, including those from WordPress. They are built SEO friendly and offer all the updated enhancements that are needed for use and to attract clicks without being intrusive.
Inconvénients :
It offers more information than I need, so I feel that I pay for many elements that I don't need.
Well priced stock images and graphics
Commentaires : Very pleased to have found it, makes finding graphics, images and videos a breeze
Avantages :
A fantastically well priced option for stock images, graphics and video
Inconvénients :
Having to create new projects for the licencing
A good solution for lower budget media assets
Commentaires : Generally good, it does what it says on the tin and it's a good option for lower budgets
Avantages :
The access to a wide bank of media assets for articles, blogs and client content
Inconvénients :
It's not as in depth as other media asset companies and finding the right imagery can be restrictive
Great if you are Frequent User
Commentaires : I generally enjoy using Envato Elements. Ive had some hiccups along the way but once customer support helped me out, everything was smooth sailing from there.
Avantages :
I love the video templates from Envato Elements. There is not any other platform out there that comes close to the massive library that Envato has.
Inconvénients :
If you use it frequently, you'll get lost in the amount of things you've downloaded. The folder features is okay but not customizable enough.
A savior for any designer
Commentaires : Envato Elements is truly one of my favorite sites to utilize while working on a complicated design project. It saves so much time. While I create most of my designs myself, sometimes it is better to grab an asset to start with or add to your design. It is easy to do a search for something such as Adobe Illustrator files, photos, or whatever you are looking for.
Avantages :
Envato Elements is my "go-to" resource whenever I need assets for almost any design job. Whenever I need video, stock images, and other assets that I can utilize as a starting point then this is the place that I go.
Inconvénients :
There are demos to some of the templates that are out of date and lead to sites that are dead as well as some that trigger malware detectors. They need to remove web templates that are out of date.
16 bucks for Envato is like stealing home in the bottom of the ninth, it's that good!
Commentaires : Envato has been great for me. My site, and the t-shirts i've been making since I've discovered it look wonderful. Business has increased and i say a ton of time when i would normally be scouring the internet for graphics and themes.
Avantages :
You get all the themes, graphics, and audio samples you could ever want but the templates for things like eBooks are by far the best. I'm putting together a cookbook and you would be amazed at how many mock ups there are for such a thing...
Inconvénients :
There's hardly anything bad about Envato other than you know there's some themes and graphics made by your favorite designers out there that you don't get for the 16 bucks.
Envato Elements, the best subscription marketplace for creators.
Avantages :
The amount of resources is infinite and gives us the possibility to use and discover new themes and plugins for WP, not to mention the other categories of resources, with many options and very diversified.
Inconvénients :
The price for Brazilian users is high. I had to unsubscribe, unfortunately.
Gran complemento para cualquier empresa
Commentaires : Muy buena y agrata, su facil integracion con terceros y su amplia gama de herramientas lo convierten en un kit espectacular para cualquier empresa.
Avantages :
Que tiene plantillas descargables de practicamente todo, ya sean imagenes, plantillas de email, de wordpress, videos, graficos, iconos y la lista puede seguir. Es muy seguro que conseguiras algo que te ayudara en tu proytecto actual.
Inconvénients :
Algunas de las plantillas que ofrecen de Wordpress estan desactualizadas, claro esto es de de cada 100 plantillas 4 estan desactualizadas.
Envoto elements
Commentaires : I use Envato Elements for my design and video projects, sourcing everything from stock photos to video templates. It’s saved me countless hours and the cost of purchasing individual assets, while providing high-quality content that elevates the final product.
Avantages :
There IS a Vast library of assets, including graphics, templates, fonts, audio files, and stock photos. and unlimited downloads with a single subscription, making it cost-effective for frequent use. most of contents are High-quality content. Easy-to-use search and categorization tools for quickly finding what you need. Regular updates to the library, keeping content fresh and relevant.
Inconvénients :
A Limited selection of some niche categories like certain types of specialized illustrations or animations. The licensing terms could be clearer regarding the use of assets in large-scale commercial projects.
Ayuda rapida
Commentaires : Muy Buena lo recomiendo para las personas creativas, estudiantes, publicistas y mas
Avantages :
Gran catalogo de artes, plantillas y archivos, con excelente calidad. Me es de mucha utilidad en mi negocio puedo personalizar muchas cosas con todos sus elementos
Inconvénients :
Hay cierto limite de pago pero vale la pena el pagar .
Una libreria di cui non posso più fare a ameno
Avantages :
Envato Elements ha una vasta gamma di risorse utili di vario genere: Clip video in alta risoluzione, foto, template pronti per i principali software di video editing, grafiche, musiche, ecc... Io lo uso in particolare per i miei video e grazie alle clip in HD la qualità dei miei contenuti si è alzata notevolmente senza dover perdere tempo per fare riprese.
Inconvénients :
Manca un filtro per separare i video verticali da quelli in 16:9. Il che sarebbe molto utile per chi fa più spesso contenuti come gli shorts su YouTube o i Reel su Instagram.
Best app to get graphics
Avantages :
the variety of photos/vectors/videos and examples
Inconvénients :
some concepts are hard to find in the page
Envato Elements
Commentaires : Sencilla, tiene días de prueba. Accedes a una inmensa biblioteca de medios y con descargas ilimitadas. Muy útil para todo tipo de desarrollos Web, marketing, presentaciones, etc. Gran calidad y facilidad de uso.
Avantages :
Es un gran "almacén" donde poder encontrar lo que necesitas para proyectos, desarrollos, etc. Tiene videos, imágenes, música y otros elementos creativos pero con un presupuesto razonable. También tiene diferentes opciones de compra y suscripción así que eso lo hace muy interesante. Es fácil de usar, y la licencia comercial es bastante polivalente para casi cualquier uso. Descargas ilimitadas
Inconvénients :
Tiene sus limitaciones por ejemplo en banco de imágenes frente a la competencia pero al final como dispone de más servicios no es puntero en uno en concreto. Por ejemplo temas de fotografías, no es como Shutterstock pero tiene descargas ilimitadas mientras dura la suscripción. No tiene opción de reembolso aunque tienes días de prueba gratuita.
A dream platform for anyone working in digital marketing
Commentaires : Envato Elements has significantly helped me produce high quality content thanks to the various available features on the platform. I have been able to find unique content applicable to different industries and easily customize any templates.
Avantages :
I have found myself taking advantage of various features that are available on Envato Elements - photos, graphics, stock videos, presentation templates. There is such great variety on show, a marketers dream!
Inconvénients :
I have a few clients that have products revolving around face recognition technology and it would be great if there were more photo options for this niche.
Envato Elements, hand-down favorite
Avantages :
I first found Envato Elements while looking for a stock photography solution. After signing up for their free trial and liking what we found to use, I started poking around more and quickly signed up for a full membership. There are literally forms, templates, media, and ideas for almost every aspect of our design business. We completely redid our newsletter based off of designs found on Envato and have a list of further projects in the pipeline that we're looking to start. I only wish we had started using Envato earlier to save myself the time and headache from using other so-called "competitors".
Inconvénients :
Occaisonally you'll find work submitted that is not as robust or complete as the description first led you to believe. I don't think this fault lies with Envato, but rather with the individual submitter, but the high-quality materials definitely outweigh the lesser-quality ones.
Muy Completo
Avantages :
VariedadFacilidad de usoCalidad de los productos
Inconvénients :
De la forma en que soy usuario, no hay ningún aspecto por el que no me haya gustado
One of the best places for unlimited stock videos, photos, templates, and fonts
Avantages :
Compared to other stock footage websites, Envato has a slight edge because they offer not only video, photo, and graphic templates, but also fonts, wordpress templates, and 3d images. The catalog is extremely organized and varied. Everytime I go searching a specific video or template idea, I always find something that fits great into my project.
Inconvénients :
The only con is the price. It's about $16 monthly. However, they do offer student discounts which other stock footage websites do not.
Banco de recursos para Diseñadores y creativos
Commentaires : Utilizo Envato Elements para buscar el material que necesito para los proyectos, sobre todo fotografías y gráficos, pero también para descargar algún plugin o complemento para mi página web. Es un buen sitio para investigar y buscar nuevas ideas para futuros proyectos.
Avantages :
Dispones de todo lo que necesitas para diferentes proyectos en un mismo lugar, imágenes, extenciones, gráficos, audios, material para sitios web... Se paga una suscripción y tienes acceso a todo en lugar de pagar por cada recurso que se usa.
Inconvénients :
Si hay algo que podría mejorarse es que algunos tutoriales están sólo en inglés
Una herramienta que no puede faltar
Avantages :
Envsto elements hace que tus proyectos luzcan increíbles como si un diseñador profesional ñps hiciera para ti, personalizable y muy intuitiva
Inconvénients :
Baja un poco el costo por que prácticamente al no escoger anual se dispara
Good creatives available
Commentaires : It's been great and I have been using it since last 2 years now and I have no plans to switch.
Avantages :
I download almost every type of creative require for our marketing efforts, it has a large library of stock images, vectors, videos, etc.
Inconvénients :
Sometimes it's difficult to login as it does not support SSO.
Envato Elements la herrramienta necesaria de todos los dias
Commentaires : Excelente, si es una herramienta que recomiendo ampliamente; pero es importante destacar esta más enfocada a multimedia y designers developers
Avantages :
Es una WEBAPP que cuenta con muchas opciones en sus principales categorías enfocadas al desarrollo multimedia-grafico. El servicio específicamente de video stock es sorprendente y cuenta con plantillas muy útiles enfocadas PSD y Premiere de Adobe. Su motor de búsqueda funciona de forma impecable
Inconvénients :
Realmente de las categorías que ofrece, honestamente solo hay 4 que son una recomendación:Video STOCK Video templates Graphics y fontsTemplates for presentationsLas otras categorías son muy limitadas sobre todo la de recursos WEB; en ese sentido si hay una gran area de oportunidad