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Instinct Science
Description de Instinct Science
Instinct est un nouveau système d'exploitation basé sur le cloud pour les hôpitaux vétérinaires modernes : il offre des DME (dossier médical électronique) complets et un système de gestion de cabinet, un plan de traitement numérique autonome et une plateforme de prescription électronique (InstinctScripts). Grâce à des outils guidés par des experts tels que le système d'alerte pour la sécurité des patients, la saisie automatisée des frais, la gestion des signes vitaux, les feuilles de traitement numériques et les tableaux de communication à l'échelle de l'hôpital, l'efficacité de votre équipe sera renforcée.
Qui utilise Instinct Science ?
Derrière chaque résultat positif, il y a Instinct, un logiciel innovant pour un secteur en pleine évolution. Cette plateforme en pleine expansion permet aux hôpitaux vétérinaires d'être efficaces, aux patients d'être en sécurité et aux frais d'être comptabilisés.
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Instinct Science
Avis sur Instinct Science

This software is making my life a lot easier!
Commentaires : Excellent - see above. I have really only positive things to say.
Avantages :
I consider myself somewhat of a power user so I tend to be very critical of software but I have been really pleasantly surprised with the functionality and well-thought out nature of the program. I feel that I have already gained quite a bit of efficiency in my charting since making the transition a few weeks ago from our old platform (Impromed Infinity). Unlike other software that I have used or demo'd, Instinct feels fresh and modern whereas most others have a very Windows 95 or DOS vibe. They are constantly adding new features and seem genuinely receptive to feedback and to be striving to make the product better all the time. The platform is very responsive, works well on mobile devices and both mac/PC, and I love the cloud aspect of it. It's been a huge benefit to not have to maintain a local server and backup. It is highly customizable and generally intuitive and even fun to use. Switching EMRs is usually a highly stressful event for a veterinary staff (I have experienced this a few times in the past) and I feel like this transition has been super smooth and relatively painless. The reason that we switched to Instinct in the first place is the excellent functionality of their digital treatment board. Really this part of the software is unique in the market and no other company is even close. It allowed us, even in a 24/7 ER setting, to go completely paperless with our treatment/flow sheets and the staff finds it very easy to use. The thing that I am most excited about as a business owner is the ability to capture/recapture missed charges now that we have full integration of the treatment board and invoicing. I have also been thrilled with the responsiveness and availability of the support - this is probably among my favorite features. You get nearly immediate chat support 24/7! I'm excited to see the new features that lay ahead!
Inconvénients :
Like any program, there are a few minor bugs but the team is generally quite responsive to these. There are also a few fairly standard features that are missing from the charting section but I am confident that these will be fixed/added in the near future. I have some worries about what happens if we lose internet connection since there is no local copy but with fiber and battery backup, this is mostly a theoretical concern.
positive, with a few suggestions to offer
Commentaires : I am overall happy with instinct. I do see those couple of areas for innovation and risk reduction, but like everything I can do so far.
Avantages :
I like the treatment view for the whole day so I can group similar treatments and avoid stressing the patient too much by touching them every hour.
Inconvénients :
When I am late completing treatments I notice they don't reschedule for the proper time interval. I wish they would or prompt to ask when I complete a late treatment. Also would like if a treatment requires handling or venipuncture for instinct to prompt me if the next hour there will be another treatment like that due so that I can group treatments. I know to look at the overall view but a lot of team members won't. I wish specific hospitals could add orders that would auto populate or lists that would be preset that I could choose, like "outpatient monitor" or "post sedation monitor" "boarding", or "Ortho post op", etc.
Veterinary nurse
Avantages :
I like it’s streamed lined process and format
Inconvénients :
It’s very challenging accessing certain patient files
Réponse de l'équipe de Instinct Science
l’année dernière
Hi Brianna, Thank you so much for taking the time to review Instinct Science. We'd love to help resolve your patient file access -- if you are still finding trouble, please reach out to caroline@instinct.vet or our general support inbox support@instinct.vet. Our support team is also available 24/7 via the chat support bubble in the bottom left navy sidebar :)
As if Cornerstone and EzyVet had a love child
Commentaires : Overall, it is a very user friendly, time efficient medical record with a solid treatment sheet. Built in access to drug calculator and Plumbs are extremely helpful.
Avantages :
I've only used this in the clinical setting- not for data capture or billing purposes. This is my second favorite veterinary medical records platform, after EzyVet. I've used everything from DVMaxx, VMACS, a literal typewriter, Impromed, AIS, and the much hated Cornerstone. Instinct's medical record and treatment sheet interfaces work well, even in the hectic ER. We are able to set up templates for data entry and bundled treatments which are great help with efficiency. The medication calculator is a literal lifesaver. So many medical errors have avoided with this one feature. Ease of e mailing, and the ability to copy/paste, and use snippets are excellent.
Inconvénients :
Seriously, though. What is with the breed abbreviations? So confusing.... I'd love the thumbnail feature that EzyVet has, linking rad and US images to the medical record. I'd also like a cat or dog icon (or bearded dragon, we don't judge) to help quickly help identify species.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
Instinct should be minimum standard!
Commentaires : I love Instinct. It is simple and easy to use. Hospital notes and information is easily identified. I believe it simplifies work flow and allows for an promotes optimal patient care.
Avantages :
I love how user friendly Instinct is. It is simple while still being professional.
Inconvénients :
I wish you could move the medications up and down on the list. Instead of them going in order they are added.
The modern veterinary software
Commentaires : Great experience in use and with customer support
Avantages :
Instinct is the most modern veterinary software I have used. It looks nice and is very user friendly. The treatment board is awesome, super easy to use and helps calculate doses. The best part is that it is always getting better and the team takes your feedback into account!
Inconvénients :
There are some bugs that still need to be worked out and improved on, however, as noted above, that is always improving with instinct! Unlike other softwares that haven't changed in years!
Instinct Veterinary Management Software
Commentaires : We have been with Instinct since their early days (treatment sheets only) and have appreciated their willingness to listen to their users and make timely adjustments when needed. Love the whole package for Charting, Treatment Sheets and Analytics.
Avantages :
Simple to navigate and thereby easy to train others for day-to-day charting and accounting, responsive and helpful tech. support when needed, very receptive to feedback and integrating outside ideas into reality.
Inconvénients :
At first, some of the integrations (especially with Cubex once we switched our management software to Instinct) were troublesome, but problems have been resolved.
A most excellent veterinary charting program.
Commentaires : I am VERY happy with the program and customer service. It has made my charting and communication with the hospital VERY efficient and easy.
Avantages :
I have worked in the veterinary industry for 13 years and this program is by far, the easiest, most efficient and intuitive program to use for record keeping and hospitalized treatments. I can easily change from charting view, treatment view and discharge instructions in one area. Treatment entry is instantaneous. I can also refer to my treatments as I am writing in my chart and vice-versa which makes record keeping fast and easy.
Inconvénients :
I wish that when I am looking at an uploaded document that I would be able to separate the page. This would allow me to read through the document which is often previous hosp notes/diagnostics AND type my notes into the chart at the same time rather than open the document, copy my notes, close the document and then type information into my record.
Great veterinary program
Commentaires : It's been great and easy to learn and use on a daily basis.
Avantages :
It's very straight forward. No guessing.
Inconvénients :
Sometimes it's hard to read notes, things don't quite fit on the page.
I love Instinct
Commentaires : Great. Makes my job easier with notes. I love all the features.
Avantages :
I love how user friendly the software is. The instructions are clear and easy to follow. I like the look up by phone number feature that was added, as it makes my job easier for repeat clients.
Inconvénients :
Nothing. I do not have anything negative to say.
Feels Instinct-ual!
Commentaires : Overall, it has been a great experience working with Instinct. I love that they are constantly working to make the platform better and they are very receptive to our feedback about what is working and what products/features we'd love to see developed.
Avantages :
The ease of use! It takes almost no time at all to learn the various parts of Instinct. From the treatment sheets, to the charting, to the Rx module- each piece seems to just make sense.
Inconvénients :
The more integration with other software, the better. For example: we have Instinct integrated with Idexx, and the more platforms that all communicate easily, the better! I know this has been a huge priority for Instinct, and their product development team is extremely receptive to requests for new integrations.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
The future of veterinary medicine
Commentaires : From start to finish, the team behind Instinct has been wonderful to work with. The rollout of Instinct was incredibly smooth and is a testament to the user-friendliness and intuitiveness of the product. Instinct makes our hospital run more efficiently and promotes better patient care.
Avantages :
Intuitive, user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, continuously improving and frequent updates, incredibly responsive customer service.
Inconvénients :
difficult to use for monitoring things that are more frequent than hourly such as transfusion monitoring (q15 min), pressor titration (q5-30min), etc.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
So easy to learn
Commentaires : Excellent, the support is so easy to use
Avantages :
How logical it is to use and to teach other doctors to use
Inconvénients :
Nothing really, it had only recently been release in the EMR so the initial integration was a little less efficient. It was anticipated though being a new program.
Instinct is so user friendly and efficient
Avantages :
I love being able to contact the team about any concerns we have. They are so fast in their response. I love being able to put notes on my treatments. It's much better than just checking a box.
Inconvénients :
It is super easy to go back and change things so that may be difficult to control if you have untrustworthy people working with you. Not a problem at our clinic but, it's something to keep in mind if you don't trust your team.
Great product
Avantages :
Intuitive, easy to use, visually pleasing
Inconvénients :
It's hard to find the anesthesia logs if done days prior.
Great App for Large Capacity Hospitals
Avantages :
how easy it is to use and understand! It's a very user friendly app compared to some other methods of record keeping and charting in the past
Inconvénients :
the timeout/sign out feature, wish I stayed logged in longer!
Overall, very organized and efficient
Avantages :
Instinct offers an organized grid layout for treatment sheets allowing for easy viewing and easy to monitor values for hospitalized patients. My hospital does not use all functions of Instinct but the portions that we do use function very well with minimal errors.
Inconvénients :
When a patient is accidentally checked out, once they are checked back in, a separate Instinct sheet is opened for them. Even though you can re-open the original sheet, it creates another sheet which can generate confusion. So far that has been the only minor drawback that I have experienced.
Love this for treatments
Commentaires : It has been very positive overall. We have caught charges we may have missed, prevented patients form being double dosed on meds and improved patient care since utilizing Instinct.
Avantages :
I like being able to see what treatments are coming due, who is assigned to the patient to complete those treatments and when they have been completed. I like the safety features for drug dosages and the abiltiy to customize treatment plans. I also love the alerts! From disease warnings to patients attitude - everyone is easily informed at a glance. We also catch charges that we may have missed before.
Inconvénients :
There are some issues with double charging with Cornerstone.
Réponse de l'équipe de Instinct Science
l’année dernière
Amy, Thank you for taking the time to review Instinct Science and for your positive feedback. We love hearing from our customers and knowing that we are helping make their life at work easier, so they can focus on the important job of taking care of patients! I wanted to follow up on your concern regarding double charging with Cornerstone. I would love to help resolve this issue for your hospital. If you haven’t already reached out to our customer support team regarding this, feel free to reach me via e-mail at caroline@instinct.vet. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best, Caroline
A great program. A few things I might tweak, but the best i've found so far.
Avantages :
You can tell that this program has been created BY ER WORKERS FOR ER WORKERS! That's huge! The intuitive nature of the software and the obvious forward thinking nature of the way the program is written makes learning and maneuvering within the program a snap. A great example is having Plumbs drug manual available with a calculator right at your fingertips. Brilliant and high time. It's also great for visual learners as well as readers. The golden touch though, is the ability to get help from a human via the help center. The people have always been fast and great at helping me. It has been an absolute pleasure.
Inconvénients :
I'd like for some changes to be made. The spell check is TERRIBLE and doesn't know medical terminology. Also, when I click on an individual treatment which has been performed already, it takes me to another screen in which I again have to sift through a bunch of previously accomplished treatments. Just take me to the treatment I clicked on to begin with. (This ones a big time waster.)
Essential to my workflow
Avantages :
I love the ease of use. It's intuitive (instinctual ;) and makes my day easier.
Inconvénients :
I really want the e scribing to be ready!
Commentaires : Amazing
Avantages :
very organized and simple to use. We all love it
Inconvénients :
I wish there was an option for client location and a patient location.
Réponse de l'équipe de Instinct Science
l’année dernière
Jenessa, Thank you for taking the time to review Instinct and for your positive feedback. We wanted to offer a solution to your desire to have both a client and patient location listed! Typically the patient location should be listed under Ward. New locations/wards can be added into Instinct by any of your admins within the Admin section of Instinct. For client locations, many hospitals utilize the patient info bar to enter this information. That way it will be visible on the patient info bar when you are in the patient’s Treatment Sheet, but also will be easily seen when looking at the Status Board as a whole. Feel free to reach out to us at support@instinct.vet or via support chat (chat bubble icon in the bottom left navy sidebar) and we can always help guide you further. Best, Caroline
Instinct is great
Commentaires : Instinct works very well and is a great system for the veterinary field
Avantages :
Records holding is the best part. Being able to hold vitals.
Inconvénients :
Logging out within 10 minutes, wis it would hold in longer
Daily vet user
Avantages :
Provides ease of accessibility to patient information - when prescriptions and treatments are due - as well as notes for doctors to follow up on provided by technicians.
Inconvénients :
nothing to contribute that indicates instinct provides a negative impact on our team
Easy to use software with responsive customer support
Commentaires : I have used Instinct for several years at a variety of veterinary hospitals and have found it very easy to use and teach others to use.
Avantages :
Features such as medication dose calculators, BSA/RER calculation, and highly customizable treatment details and schedules make Instinct an easy-to-use software. It is integrated with our practice management software to automatically import patients that will be admitted to hospital. The Vitals tab tracks trends in vital parameters for a given patient. There are a lot of useful features (and the Instinct jokes and messages are a bonus Easter egg). I also LOVE that the Instinct background changes for National Veterinary Technician Week. Thank you for showing the love to your vet techs. I also like that the web version can be utilized from any device.
Inconvénients :
I don't have any particular negative thoughts about Instinct.
Five Stars
Commentaires : very positive. Would absolutely recommend to others.
Avantages :
I love how easy to use and intuitive it is. It's easy to navigate because things are where you think they should be.
Inconvénients :
Sometimes it crashes, and updates are confusing.