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En savoir plus sur Mcafee Total Protection
Plateforme de protection de l'identité à plusieurs niveaux qui comprend un antivirus de première qualité, une navigation sécurisée, une protection contre le vol d'identité et un VPN (Virtual Private Network) sécurisé.
Customer Support: Mcafee offers live support, which is becoming increasingly less common.
Not sure this was really needed. Windows catches most of what I am concerned about.
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Service à la clientèle déficient et en anglais seulement.
Avantages :
L’application True Key pour le gestion des mots de passe est conviviale et efficace.
Inconvénients :
Le Service client qui ne peut résoudre un problème même après avoir passé plus de 2 heures en ligne avec 2 techniciens différents et qui ne peuvent pas offrir de support pour un ordinateur configuré en français. Service uniquement en anglais.

Une bonne application de sécurité
Commentaires : Mcafee Total Protection assure une protection en temps réel. Elle sécurise nos données personnelles et nous prévient des attaques
Avantages :
La détection des intrusions, des menaces, le VPN sont des fonctionnalités qui m'ont le plus plu
Inconvénients :
Le seul inconvénient que je trouve est que le logiciel ralenti parfois la connexion internet
Mcafee Antivirus
Avantages :
Analyse et suppression des virus, antispam
Inconvénients :
Consomme beaucoup de l'énergie, lenteur de démarrage
McAfee Total Protection : une solution de sécurité efficace
Avantages :
Je suis ravi d'avoir choisi McAfee Total Protection pour protéger mon ordinateur. J'ai particulièrement apprécié la facilité d'utilisation du produit, ainsi que sa capacité à détecter et à éliminer les menaces en ligne. De plus, les mises à jour automatiques garantissent que mon appareil est toujours protégé contre les dernières menaces en ligne. Dans l'ensemble, je recommande vivement McAfee Total Protection à tous ceux qui cherchent une solution de sécurité efficace et facile à utiliser pour leur ordinateur.
Inconvénients :
Bien que j'apprécie globalement McAfee Total Protection, j'ai été déçu par certains aspects du produit. Tout d'abord, j'ai trouvé que le logiciel ralentissait parfois les performances de mon ordinateur. De plus, certaines fonctionnalités, telles que la protection de la vie privée, nécessitent des paramétrages supplémentaires pour être efficaces.
Tout sur l'antivirus Mc Afee Protection
Commentaires : Tres cool
Avantages :
produit facile à utiliser et tres efficace
Inconvénients :
Cout un peu élevé par rapport d'autres produits de la meme catégorie
C´est un logiciel de confiance
Commentaires : Les bénéfices que j'ai eu en utilisant ce logiciel sont Les alertes en temps Les analyses quotidiennes Et sinon système anti-virus.
Avantages :
Ce logiciel sécurise mon appareil totalement confiance.J'ai aimé.
Inconvénients :
Il se peut qu'il en a mais je n´ai pas constaté.

Macfee Total Protection Is The All-inOne For Personal and Business Use
Avantages :
I love this product because everything is in one package. It include antivirus, antispyware, and anti-malware, and Dark Web protection. Set up to schedule automated virus scans is easy, and I can adjust the settings to fit my needs. I most of all like the web protection feature that lets you know if you're about to log onto a safe website or not.
Inconvénients :
Though it's a little pricey, it's worth it. The only thing I don't like is the Web Boost. While I'm looing at videos online. it keeps pauses them while I'm in the middle of watching them. I thought the purpose of the Web Boost was to speed up the Internet experience, not slow it down while surfing.
Positive Experience
Commentaires : There were no problems with Mcafee, only competition had free or better pricing.
Avantages :
Mcafee was easy to install and monitor. It was quick and efficient with finding issues and cleaning them up.
Inconvénients :
The only con was that the competitors were either free or lower in cost.
Good Protection for multiple devices
Commentaires : Overall I believe that it is a good program that has protected me, and numerous devices (including phones, tv boxes and pc's)
Avantages :
I like that it can be used on any number of devices.
Inconvénients :
I don't like that it keeps prompting me to use their Safe Search (despite me declining repeatedly) as well as pushing for automatic renewal.
McAfee- An antivirus that gets your job done
Commentaires : I had gotten this application with my laptop purchase and so far I'm happy with the way that it has been working. It scans every 15-60 mins , keeps tabs on everything and i can access all that information easily
Avantages :
It makes sure that it scans every little piece of application or data that you put into your pc/laptop and makes sure it is virus free
Inconvénients :
Sometimes it can be quite annoying with their ability to stop installation of any application. Even though the file is downloaded from official safe stores , it flags them as not safe
Mcafee Total Protection puts your mind at ease. You know you are protected
Commentaires : It is a good experience and I know I am protected on more than 1 Device
Avantages :
The Comprehensive Protection. I feel secure to know all aspects are Scanned and protected.
Inconvénients :
It takes time to scan any file I download but I am sure it is not Infected.
Good Security for PC as well as Phone or Tabs!
Commentaires : The automatic scans and total protection from virus and malware attack. Great Services!
Avantages :
It's firewall system. I have been using it for a long time in my PC and its working really well. It immediately warns about any malicious website and auto scans also detect any suspicious link on my system.
Inconvénients :
Nothing to dislike but the price could be a bit much for personal use. Of course great thinhgs comes with some price. So if you could afford it you shoyld try using it. It'll be totally worth the price.
One of the best security suites
Commentaires : Best security suite for me and my colleagues
Avantages :
It is very cheap to buy.it is very good.i didnt had problems with it,no viruses,good firewall.all the city hall i work is very pleased about it.we use it for 3 years
Inconvénients :
I dont have any complaints about it.nothing
Good antivirus, but the pricing could be better
Avantages :
It came built in for most of the common laptops, offering a good start with protection, also that trial shows how good it is in real time protection
Inconvénients :
Competition can offer a better price-service aspect, also, if I want to uninstall it, is pretty difficult to turn Windows Defender back on
Mcafee Pros and Cons
Commentaires : Overall it's ok, not the best I've used but it helps
Avantages :
It's notifications when there is an issue
Inconvénients :
It's nonstop window popping up saying there might be a virus when in realty there is not
My System Security
Avantages :
I basically used daily optimization and antivirus protection
Inconvénients :
Total Security and 3rd app or device scaning protection

Mcafee Total Protection un prodotto da testare
Commentaires : La mia esperienza complessiva con Mcafee Total Protection è neutra uno per rapporto qualità/prezzo, fa il suo dovere molto efficace nella navigazione sul web, e nella rilevazione dei codici malevoli come Malware
Avantages :
Di Mcafee Total Protection ho apprezzato molto il fatto che oltre da antivirus ha anche la funziona VPN integrata, l'interfaccia risulta molto bella, a primo impatto garantisce sicurezza, la parte top del programma e quella che permette di creare password complesse o con lettere e numeri alfanumerici, lui le memorizza e nel momento della compilazione le inserisce garantendo affidabilità e sicurezza perfetto
Inconvénients :
Non ho apprezzato molto di Mcafee Total Protection la scansione del dispositivo ho notato rallentamenti al livello di memoria, quando esegue una scansione in modo automatico impostandolo nel giorno mentre si effettuano altri lavori il pc ha dei rallentamenti, devo mettere in pausa e far ripartire la scansione dopo che ho terminato di lavorare con altri programmi da risolvere
Equivalent program
Commentaires : An amazing program in Most of the great programs
Avantages :
Most of the great programs for combating viruses and online threats
Inconvénients :
It lacks a phishing and hacker detection tool
All-Around Security With Minors Flaws
Commentaires : In the last two years, my overall experience with McAfee Total Protection has been okay in general. This makes me feel secure using devices since they are covered against numerous online threats. Customer support has responded well whenever there was something I needed help with or had questions for them. I would suggest anyone looking for a trustworthy and all-encompassing security solution despite little grievances recommending McAfee Total Protection.
Avantages :
One of the things that I appreciated the most about McAfee Total Protection is its all-encompassing suite of protective features. It offers solid defense against viruses, malware, and phishing attempts. Its user interface is user-friendly, so even non computer experts can figure it out easily. Besides, such regular updates keep its security up-to-date regarding recent threats.
Inconvénients :
The main thing I did not like about McAfee Total Protection is that they experience slowdowns on some occasions during scans. Although the impact is not too bad; still, it can be felt when doing high demanding activities. Besides, sometimes this software runs heavy on computer resources, which could be a problem in regard to old or weak machines.
Mcafee Total Protection ottimo antivirus
Commentaires : La mia esperienza complessiva con Mcafee Total Protection è totalmente positiva, riconosce bene le minacce sul web, ha molti falsi positivi a parere mio ma comunque da sicurezza nella navigazione prezzi molto contenuti
Avantages :
Di Mcafee Total Protection mi è piaciuto molto la vpn integrata, funziona molto bene, la grafica risulta molto bella e semplice e intuitiva. L'ho testato nella protezione del mio PC sono rimasta molto soddisfatta
Inconvénients :
Non mi è piaciuto molto di Mcafee Total Protection troppi popup di falsi positivi, so che qualche sito è dannoso ma anche andando su un sito web che visito tutti i giorni, mi esce il popup con dei contenuti pericolosi da risolvere.
Uno dei migliori antivirus in commercio
Commentaires : Nel complesso posso assolutamente affermare che Mcafee Total Protection svolge alla perfezione il suo compito, ovvero contrastare virus, malware, etc.
Avantages :
Questo software ti protegge in maniera impeccabile da malware e introsioni indesiderate.
Inconvénients :
L'unico difetto di questo antivirus è la presenza continua e invadente. Verrai bombardato da notifiche che ti avvisano che è stato rilevano un problema. Sarebbe opportuno regolare questa impostazione in modo da rendere il programma meno fastidioso.
Mcafee Antivirus review
Commentaires : Overall. I like this software but if you aren’t going to pay for premium version. It’s best to get a different antivirus software that offers more for the free version.
Avantages :
What I like most about this product is that it can help protect your electronic device if there is malware or virus on it. It has almost all features that other antivirus softwares have.
Inconvénients :
What I least like about this product is that it has a free option available. So if you want more out of this product, you need to pay to access them. But the thing is that most antivirus softwares offer more for the free version then what McAfee is offering.
Customer Service Outstanding
Commentaires : I was hacked and thought I was talking to Mcafee and I wasn't and it was terrible. I ended up aborting the call because the person was asking for more money and etc. etc. and I was becoming uncomfortable that something wasn't right. I hung up and call Staples (local computer store - they said bring in your machines) but I then though "this is crazy I've been with Mcafee for years....so I called customer service and they said there was no record of me talking to anyone at Mcafee.....and the two ladies from CS and from Tech helped me get things straightened out. Life savers they were...... terrific to deal with.
Avantages :
the security of knowing....I'm protected.
Inconvénients :
Its not cheap but you get what you pay for.
MCAFEE antivirus
Commentaires : I used because come whith windows after i change a version
Avantages :
I like becase come inside a software of Microsoft
Inconvénients :
What I like least of mcafee is this incompatibile whith some aplication of Google
Protection everywhere
Commentaires : It has been good to protect my pc where i store my information and work tools.
Avantages :
Easy to use, it does the job at a good price.
Inconvénients :
New offers trying to upsale their producs.