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En savoir plus sur WinRAR
Il s'agit d'une solution d'archivage qui aide les utilisateurs à créer des sauvegardes de données, à extraire des fichiers, à gérer des documents, etc.
This product is easy to use, ease to integrate employee take less time in the work.
Almost no negative sides, apart from slow extraction or compression, but it depends self on the computer and how old the hardware is.
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Commentaires : Elle est plutôt simple a utiliser avec des instructions simple a comprendre
Avantages :
La protection de donneés et son encryptage très perfomant
Inconvénients :
L'interface du système n'est pas assez familiere
Winrar, le meilleur logiciel de sa categorie
Avantages :
Winrar a quelques concurrents mais au fil des années c’est toujours Winrar qui gagne la palme de l’outil facile d’utilisation et efficace qu’importe le Pc qui l’utilise, la version de Windows ou Mac. Sur smartphone ou tablette idem. Archiver ses donnés avec Winrar c’est s’assurer que ça fonctionnera de partout
Inconvénients :
Parfois, la gestion des mots de passe pour bloquer l’accès aux fichiers étaient compliqués à régler.
Super logiciel
Commentaires : Compression de document
Avantages :
logiciel qui a une bonne performance de compression
Inconvénients :
rien a reprocher a ce logiciel vraiment bon
Une application pour une gestion plus efficace et efficiente des fichiers
Commentaires : WinRAR m'a permis de compresser les fichiers et de les conserver.
Avantages :
Les fonctionnalités qui ont plus d'impact sur le logiciel sont la compression des fichiers et leur rétention
Inconvénients :
Je trouve que toutes les fonctionnalités de WinRAR fonctionnent normalement.
Winrar l'indispensable
Avantages :
Compatible avec toutes les extensions de compression
Inconvénients :
Aucun, tout est pensé pour une utilisation intuitive et rapide !

Excellent archiveur bon marché et facile
Commentaires : Je mets mon fichier au format RAR en utilisant ce logiciel avec mot de passe puis partage avec mes collègues
Avantages :
Mettre un mot de passe sur un fichier ZIP ou RAR est très utile en raison de notre confidentialité. Deuxièmement, il évite que le stockage et nos fichiers ne soient touchés par un virus. Enfin, très facile à intégrer en quelques clics !
Inconvénients :
Le logiciel doit avoir un moyen de se connecter et au cas où nous oublions le mot de passe d'archivage, nous devrions pouvoir récupérer ou reposer le mot de passe du fichier ZIP ou RAR.
Le meilleur logiciel de compression
Commentaires : Le logiciel fait gagner de l'espace de stockage sur les appareils grâce à la compression
Avantages :
Le logiciel offre une grande facilité pour la compression des fichiers
Inconvénients :
La stabilité du logiciel peut être améliorée pour une utilisation plus optimale
Parfait pour la compression des fichiers
Avantages :
Un logiciel très pratique pour décompresser et compresser des fichiers. Je n'ai jamais rencontré aucun problème avec cet outil.
Inconvénients :
Rien à signaler, je n'y vois aucun point faible comparé aux autres solutions existantes.
Un bon logiciel de compression de données.
Commentaires : J utilise Winrar pour créer des installables en mode SFX. C est une fonctionnalité vraiment pratique.
Avantages :
La possibilité de générer des installables directement depuis Winrar, en mode SFX. Très pratique !!
Inconvénients :
Rien ! Le produit est bon, il n’y a rien à jeter.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
Avis Winrar
Commentaires : Winrar nous permet de gagner beaucoup d'espace après la compression optimale des fichiers souhaités.
Avantages :
C'est un logiciel qui prend en charge tous les formats de compression : ZIP, ZIPX, 7Z, CAB, TAR, ARJ, LZH, Gzip, BZ2, TAR.GZ, ACE UUE, JAR et ISO. Il offre une protection optimale après l'attribution d'un mot de passe aux fichiers ajoutés à l'archive souhaitée.
Inconvénients :
L'interface n'est pas très attractive et cause quelques problèmes de manipulation aux personnes nouvellement initiées à l'utilisation de Winrar
Avis winrar
Avantages :
Pour la compression de dossier tel que fichier rar, zip etc est super simple d'utilisation ajout de mot de passe possible etc...
Inconvénients :
Certain dossier peuvent mal compresser ce qui peut mettre en erreur le logiciel
WinRar Vs 7Zip
Commentaires : Satisfait
Avantages :
Facile; Rapide et fais ce qu'on lui demande !
Inconvénients :
Cryptage pas bon; Pas trop de format de compression

My experience of using WinRAR
Commentaires : I will say Wonderful! WinRAR is amazing. It allows many things to do, be it file/folder organising, saving some memory space, sharing files in portable way, everything. I recommended this app to some of my friends. They tried it and still using it.
Avantages :
I like this app. It is my favourite tool that I use daily basis. One of the most things I like about it, is organising my folders and Simple and user friendly User interface. That's amazing.
Inconvénients :
I am using this software since my childhood. Everyday whenever I want to organise my computer files or something I want to share files in organised and portable way, I use it. I couldn't find things which I dont' like. However, few years ago there were some issues in this software but as the time passed it became good.
Great document management software at the right price!
Commentaires : Easy to use, no issues in adopting this software
Avantages :
Intuitive and Easy interface allows the user to access files quickly and efficiently
Inconvénients :
There are no real issues with the software!
WinRAR is a gamechanger
Commentaires : the software works so well. I use it a lot to manage all my downloads when i do them in bulk
Avantages :
Really simple and easy tool to use. Makes downloads easy to manage
Inconvénients :
I have no bad points about WinRAR. It works so good
useful in compressing folders and files
Commentaires : WinRAR is the ideal answer for any sort of record archiving, compression and extraction.
Avantages :
My general involvement in this product has been extremely satisfying. It is utilized for compressing, filing and record extraction. It is free even after 30 days nothing stops. It is not difficult to utilize and has an exceptionally easy to use interface.
Inconvénients :
For the purpose it is developed it is doing fine. It has little amount of functions but they perform well.
A powerful archive manager
Commentaires : I like using this program and i will continue to use it until needed and i will surely recommend this tool to my friends and colleages.
Avantages :
What i like on this app is it gives you ease on managing your files, whether for taking a back-up of different files in different folders or via sending multiple files on folder via email or any online transfer.
Inconvénients :
So far, so good. Nothing to hate about this app.
helps putting files together for upload
Avantages :
It's great tool for putting files together specially when want to upload or email several files together.
Inconvénients :
It doesn't compress the files a lot. In many cases it may just decrease the file size by1% or event not at all. It would be much more helpful if it could compress the files to like 50% or so.
Best Software to zip and unzip files
Commentaires : It has been a great experience with WinRAR, I use it frequently for my files to be at a same place compressed which I do not use but I need to keep them
Avantages :
WinRAR has ease of implementation, everyone can use it and it is free of cost. It is fast and can zip larger files too. You can also password protect the files. It helps to reduce consumption of storage by compressing files
Inconvénients :
There are no such cons for WinRAR it is easily available so no cons by my side.
Winrar is a great choice for your files
Commentaires : If you need software for exploring different types of files, unzipping files or anything like that, then winrar is a great option.
Avantages :
My favorite thing about winrar is the user interface and the amount of different file types it supports.
Inconvénients :
I have not had any issues with winrar so far. Its been an amazing product.

i used this software for a long time
Avantages :
i like that it's free and easy to use on your device
Inconvénients :
i've nothing to complain about this software

Best and most tarchive manager in the world
Commentaires : The best thing about WinRAR is its free even though they have onetime payment which is completely option for you to choose weather to pay or not
Avantages :
I can't even remember since when I'm using it , it helps to store big files in small size so you can easily transfer it , also give passwords protection to add to file to make it more secure
Inconvénients :
I don't think there are any downside of this , but I'm missing out on android app for this that i would love to see
An essential tool
Commentaires : It is a valuable tool, but it is a bit difficult to use.It should improve its functions because nowadays other programs offer much more.
Avantages :
Compress and decompressSplits large files into smaller parts, making them easier to store on space-scarce devices
Inconvénients :
-The license cost of WinRAR is high compared to other free file compression and decompression tools.-The user interface is outdated and not so easy to use. -It does not have advanced features
WinRAR user
Commentaires : It is a reliable, user-friendly program for mainly compressing and archiving files. It is perfectly compatible with operating systems and its archives are also perfectly portable.
Avantages :
Perfect compression into various types and also decompression of basically any compressed file. Possibility to split the file into several smaller archives. Compatibility with most used operating systems.
Inconvénients :
Many compression file types be able operating systems manage by default and thus replace WinRAR, free of cost.
Winrar, the Most secured document manager ever experienced.
Commentaires :
My overall experience with Winrar is amazing than visiting a 5-star restaurant. As WinRAR is the source of income for me (because I'm using this on a commercial level) that's why it has a special value in my computer. No other software can beat this.
If you are also thinking of data management or thinking of selling digital goods and services in the marketplace, Then I can assure you that WinRAR is going to be your lifetime partner.
I am using WinRAR since 2017 and I never thought of move on from WinRAR to any other software. Definitely some improvements are required but I believe that the WinRAR team is working on this one.
My software never got cracked by windows defender once I compress them with WinRAR. So 80% of my system is based on Winrar. I use to manage documents and files encryption with WinRAR and I'm too satisfied with this one.
Now if you need "documents managing" software then WinRAR is the perfect place for you and I assure you, WinRAR will never disappoint you.
Avantages :
Merging files and encrypting them with the WinRAR is my favorite feature ever. I use to handle duplicate files with WinRAR and use to store them within a single folder. After that, I can easily locate my files within the destination folder. I use to merge up to 10GB+ files and I never got a crash from WinRAR. Files compressed with WinRAR contain no promotional ads, Link, or any type of cache data. And this is a good thing I liked in WinRAR. While all others local software always contains promotions ads, links, or pop-up banners to generate some additional money. but in the case of WinRAR, There is nothing like this Moreover, another feature of WinRAR that I liked most is password encryption. And this is the main reason that why I am still using WinRAR for a long time.
Inconvénients :
Well, There is no doubt that WinRAR is a highly rated software but also there is one thing that I did not like in WinRAR. Actually, I am using WinRAR in my business. I am using the "Compress and email" feature of WinRAR on a daily basis, I use it to encrypt folders in ".zip" file format with an encryption password, and then I use it to mail the zip file to my buyers. Now as the file is password encrypted, so it should be visible to anyone. But everyone can access the files can saw which elements are compressed inside the zip file although he can't extract the file. But in my opinion, this is not a good thing. When we already encrypted a file with a password so definitely now it should be inaccessible without a password. But there is nothing like this. I highly request the Winrar team that please solve this problem and bring an update with a fully secured and proper encryption feature. I have also watched 100+ videos on youtube to solve this problem but I remain unsuccessful. That's why my last hope is the WinRAR team and I humbly request that please fulfill this requirement and improve the "Compress and email" feature.