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The Zoom integration is very handy since I share videos with my students.
There is no such cons in screencast-o-matic in my personel views.
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Screen Pal is my best tool
Commentaires : Great as I have been trying to learn some of the high dollar apps for editing and creating videos they are just so deep for a new user this is the very best ..
Avantages :
Just plain easy to use even and old fart like myself can figure it out
Inconvénients :
Have not found anything bad and there are still tools I have not yet tested
Screen Pal is an excellent choice for AI podcast/video creators.
Commentaires : I've been with Screencast-o-matic/Screen Pal for several years now. You cannot beat it for content creation on a budget. Overall, I love the quality my video/podcasts have compared to similar content creating software.
Avantages :
Screen Pal is easy to use, offers music, and had drag and drop options for content creating. Once my AI generated book chapter is recorded I can create a video/podcast in about five minutes using Screen Pal.
Inconvénients :
Well I don't like change and when Screencast-o-matic switched over to Screen Pal I had to relearn how to use it. But in the end its twice as fast to drop and drag all my content into the story board. I'd also love more music selection specifically for podcast creators. But overall I still love the music feature as it adds so much.
Screen pal feedback
Commentaires : Still getting to know the features just started using it again for the last 3 months but I have been paying for this since September of 2018 so just over 5 years
Avantages :
The features that are available are nice I still need to learn how to use them.
Inconvénients :
When uploading a video the resolution is mid quality. When I upload a video with look the quality is much better but that’s free. I pay a yearly fee to you guys…
Excellent user experience
Commentaires : It has been great. I think it is overall user friendly and intuitive. I have a few minor gripes, but they are not so bad that I would want to find another video capture software.
Avantages :
The AI feature - which was in its beta when I used it - saved me a lot of time as it could create captions, titles, chapters, and video descriptions. As an educator, this ability is nearly invaluable.
Inconvénients :
The ScreenPal logo at the end of my videos.
Powerful video tool & proficient customer support
Avantages :
Screenpal helps our business create quick customized videos all the way to scripted tutorials with voiceovers. We use this tool daily for videos, tutorials, and screenshots. The customer support team was outstanding in resolving my concerns about Stories. They were patient, straight to the point, efficient, and resourceful! Thanks for thinking out of the box and taking time to listen to my concern and find me a solution!
Inconvénients :
The only difficulty I have had is with duplicating 'Story' videos...which i would like to include the script, individual videos, and edits.
Great price for more than I need
Commentaires : I've had a great time working with ScreenPal over the past couple of years. I have other software that can screen-capture, but this one is pretty lightweight - fires up quickly and doesn't bog my system down when using it. It does its job well, and includes extra features within the same price point that makes it a great tool in my arsenal.
Avantages :
The price point is great for what I use/need from ScreenPal. I really just needed screen/video capture for explainers/"how to" videos, and have been really satisfied with that. Over time, I've dug into the other features (like "building"/"storyboarding" videos, recording narration first and stepping through the video capture, etc. These are more than I needed, but included in the price it makes this product a real bargain.
Inconvénients :
I personally have a hard time getting the drawing features to work properly for me. Not that they *don't* work, but don't seem intuitive or easy to initiate while I'm screen-capturing.
Commentaires : Excellent , but much more to improved in respect of incorporation of more HD quality pictures in stock library and AI tools
Avantages :
All features of screenpal are good. But Video editing feature is impressive. Incorporation of AI tools for text , picture and video generation will make it unbeatable
Inconvénients :
Poor stock library with no science topics involved. Scientist pics are not at all available
Avantages :
ScreenPal offers a variety of tools that simplify my tasks. Without ScreenPal, I'd have to download numerous tools on my computer and struggle to find what I need. It's fast, easy to use, and I highly recommend it!
Inconvénients :
There are honestly no cons in my personal opinion.
Screenpal has been good for me
Commentaires : If your after a screen recorder then Screenpal is worth trying.
Avantages :
Screenpal is a good concept a screen recorder that either lets you upload to a cloud based hosting area or download the video onto your computer. Apart from the issue mentioned below it has been reliable during the years that I have been using it.
Inconvénients :
When using it sometimes it wont start on the window that I want to record (Chrome) so I have to start it recording and the bring up the Chrome window then stop it recording then use the start over again function and then that way the start of the screen recording is on the Chrome window.
Review of ScreenPal
Commentaires : I have had a very good experience with the system.
Avantages :
Screen recording and camera as well as editing
Inconvénients :
The appearance of the framework has changed a bit comparing to the previous one before the name change.
My GOTO screen recorder
Commentaires :
I'm delighted with SOM.
I've been using it since V1 to share tutorials with my team, record webinars, VSLs, online trainings and group meetings.
Avantages :
Screencast-O-Matic is like the powerpoint for video/screenshots. You can quickly and easily record your screen and/or your webcam... or make screenshots (without having the app crashing on you in the middle of it). Then edit what you need with their embedded editor. (I like that the mic signal is cleaned automatically within the editor to remove undesirable noises.) One more click and your final output is shared online within their included cloud service. If you chose to save the video to your computer, you won't need to re-compress it with handbrake to save space as it's already producing decently sized files (3 compression levels available). You can even configure it to save your work files in the cloud so that you can come back later to them from anywhere and continue where you left (or just cancel as many actions as you wish - all your history is saved along with your final output). I also like the fact that it comes with royalty free music we can use within our videos in a few clicks. I'm happy to pay monthly. The price is ridiculous and it's an awesome product that keeps being updated.
Inconvénients :
To my regret, they removed in V2 the "automatic documentation" feature which was available in V1. There is now the possibility to import an external video and edit it within the tool; unfortunately, some MP4 codecs have playback issues. That's about it for the cons.
Superior Screen Recorder
Commentaires : Record, upload videos to their storage, and much more, try it.
Avantages :
Easy Editing, Easy Operation, Superior support, record Zoom meetings and webinars. Anything that is on your screen. Love it!
Inconvénients :
I have not found anything that I would consider a Con.
A solid platform that delivers
Commentaires : I have been with ScreenPal when it was still known as Screencast-o-Matic and made my first videos with them using the free version. I loved the experience so much that I took on a paid subscription. It's been over a decade of using ScreenPal and they are my trusted tech for video creation and editing.
Avantages :
Ease of recording and editing. New features added with creator in mind.
Inconvénients :
No cons so far. This is a progressive company that cares for its customers.
Reliability has gone downhill
Commentaires : It used to be amazing. But, now, I am really disappointed. I want a reliable service that I can count on.
Avantages :
I liked actually being able to use it when I was able to. These days, the software will not install. And when it finally does, it freezes and will not work. If they are having problems, it should be announced on their website.
Inconvénients :
No longer functions and I have no idea when/if customer service will respond. It is extremely disappointing. I will be looking for a reliable service.
Great tool for Education and Training
Commentaires : very good. I have made a lot of work with this tool , and I can use my time in more efficent way
Avantages :
Ease of use in screen recording. Editing functions are very useful
Inconvénients :
Sometimes on long recording the screen freeze up . I don't know if it is a Screenpal problem or a problem of my PC
Good tool to record your screen
Commentaires : It's a tool I've been using for years to share videos of my screen at work. It's easy to use and fast. Since I bought it the first time it has almost doubled in price, but for now I'm still here.
Avantages :
Easy to use and very stable. With the subscription you get a repository where you can host your videos and share them easily and quickly.
Inconvénients :
Even if you choose the highest quality, the videos you upload to the repository have some loss of quality.
Commentaires : Terrible.
Avantages :
The application is very buggy and crashes all my pcs.
Inconvénients :
I was a user of Screencastomatic (the previous Brand) for 6 years. see below what they wrote next to my profile "You have been a member for 2244 days and have 810 videos and 0 images! Whoa!"In 6 years, Screencastomatic was very reliable. It never caused any issue on any of my computer.Recently they changed the name to Screenpal.Since then, the app keeps crashing my PCs. The app is unusable. It says that I failed to download the latest version but Nothing on my end seems to indicate that.Whomever bought the company screwed it up very fast.All they needed to do was to leave it alone. This is really a case of: If it ain't broke don't fix it.I am curretly looking for another solution.
Great screen recorder!
Commentaires : I use it to screen record my teaching videos. I love the ease of it and it didn’t take me long to learn how to use it. You can save or upload an unlimited amount of videos, which is generous, especially for people who need to keep lots of videos.
Avantages :
The Zoom integration is very handy since I share videos with my students. You can edit Zoom recordings inside the Screencast-o-matic editor if you would like and upload it to the platform. I can set the expiration date for each video when I share with my students. Once you set it, you can forget about it, which is so convenient. When large sized videos are uploaded, the file size will automatically become smaller. It is good because I want Zoom recordings to be smaller in size. You can also hide your published date when you don’t want to share it with people.I also like the Screencast-o-matic editing software. I’m amazed how much you can do with it. If you have a green screen, you can easily remove the green background and add a different one. I was able to remove the green background nicely, so my lecture recordings look professional with my slides as my background. The subscription is not so expensive. I think it is a great deal when you purchase it at the end of November when the sale is going on.
Inconvénients :
When you want to keep videos that have high definition quality on the platform , I’m not sure how to do that. Video file size will be shrunk each time I try. I haven’t found how to do that yet.

Using Screencast-O-Matic helps my students succeed
Avantages :
This software is very easy to use. If I have a question, their help section explains it perfectly.
Inconvénients :
When I have had to do a voiceover due to a bad recording the first time, I have difficultly making consistent quality of sound.
"Powerful and best screen recorder not out of date"
Commentaires : Overall: I have used it for sometime now to support my classrooms demonstrations and presentations.
Avantages :
Pros: This is a wonderful tool with uncomplicated interface that takes very short time to open or load
Inconvénients :
Cons: I don't think there is any problem with this tool. I have used it daily and has given me the best result in my field of work.

Amped up screen recorder that is still easy to use.
Commentaires : I have used many tools from simple to complex and this tool has all I need, when I need it.
Avantages :
Screencast-O-Matic has been a welcome addition to my weekly online learning tools. It can be used for giving anyone a direct link to video directions you create to weekly lesson plan coverage. All videos can be edited from items ranging to adding music to blurring out unwanted images on the video. This comes in handy as a staff leader for creating "How-to" videos for our staff. It also is easily integrated with most learning management systems like Schoology and Google classroom for example.
Inconvénients :
There are many tools to choose from when editing, which can take a bit to use, but most are not needed, but can be useful when needed.
Buyer beware!!
Commentaires : Tech support was polite but useless. The overall experience seems to deteriorate with time.
Avantages :
It links well with YouTube and downloads nicely to my desktop
Inconvénients :
About a year ago the program refused to use my camera and would freeze if I tried. I had to hard quit the program to get out of it. Recently it started to quit/freeze when I tried to truncate and begin to record a new section of a production rendering the software pretty useless.

Piece of Cake
Commentaires : Love it and would highly recommend it.
Avantages :
Besides being very affordable, it's easy to use and has great functionality.
Inconvénients :
Wish I could insert a video without loosing a part of existing video
Really good video recording and editor
Commentaires : I have the app in my toolbars desktop and it doesn't take me more than one clic and adjusting the window to have my recordings ready to go
Avantages :
I use to record a lot of videos from the web to keep useful lessons and technical tutorials. This is the easiest way to do it, easy to install, easy to record and save and easy to edit it, make screenshots if needed
Inconvénients :
It{s sometimes difficult to avoid editing and trimming videos afterwards because is the recording screen is on the video you want to record and you can't clic easily to start the original video at the same time
Overall, Good Product
Avantages :
I can easily create videos for my students and staff. I like that I can edit and upload directly to YouTube.
Inconvénients :
Too often, I need to reinstall the plugin, which is time consuming.