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En savoir plus sur AutoCAD Architecture
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AutoCAD has an incredible set of features that allow us to compile and finish projects much more quickly. The increase to our productivity has been obvious as soon as we integrated it fully.
Programme requests more performance hadware features to run smoothly. Low performance make lagging.
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AutoCAD Architecture
Commentaires : AutoCAD est un outil crucial dans l'industrie minière, car il nous permet de concevoir des plans de mine précis, de modéliser la mine en 3D et de simuler différents scénarios d'exploitation, ce qui peut aider à optimiser l'exploitation minière et à améliorer la rentabilité.
Avantages :
1.interface utilisateur intuitive : l'interface utilisateur d'AutoCAD est conviviale et facile à utiliser, même pour les débutants. Elle offre une navigation simple et permet d'accéder rapidement aux commandes et aux outils.2.Fonctionnalités avancées : AutoCAD dispose d'un large éventail de fonctionnalités avancées, telles que la modélisation 3D, la création de plans d'étage, la conception de circuits électriques et la création de dessins de construction.3.Personnalisation : AutoCAD permet aux utilisateurs de personnaliser leur environnement de travail en fonction de leurs préférences, ce qui facilite la création de dessins et la collaboration avec d'autres utilisateurs.4.Compatibilité avec d'autres logiciels : AutoCAD est compatible avec de nombreux autres logiciels de CAO et de gestion de projet, ce qui facilite la collaboration entre différents utilisateurs et équipes.
Inconvénients :
comme inconvenients dand l'utilisation du logiciel je n'ai trouver ancun pour le moment sa repond a mes attentes
AutoCAD architecture
Avantages :
AutoCAD architecture très bénéfique dans l'étude architecturale des projets de constructions notamment dans la conception des plans 2D et 3D
Inconvénients :
Ce que je déplore c'est la qualité de ses rendu de dessin 3D pas très attrayant
autocad le logéciel surnaturelle
Avantages :
il est vaste en matiére de dessin et d'imagination simple a utilisé méme pour les non-connaisseur du domaine interface graphique trés simple avec des déffirente option de chois de couleur,
Inconvénients :
trop chére parraport a d'autre logeciel sur le marché de plus avec les nouveaux logeciel de BIM qui offre des maquette numirique il samble qu'il dépassé .
la base de l'architecture
Avantages :
avec sa facilité d'utilisation et sa rapidité ce logiciel demeure l'outil le plus utilisé au monde par les expert du domaine de la construction
Inconvénients :
dans sont domaine aucun inconvénient a signalé
AutoCad 2018
Commentaires : étant en géométrie toute nos activités se résume à l'utilisation d'AutoCad donc sans ça on a pas d'activité
Avantages :
Le logiciel de référence en matière de dessin et conception sur ordinateur donc est maitrisé depuis longtemps
Inconvénients :
Le coût n'est pas à la portée de tous surtout dans les pays à faible pouvoir d'achat
L'architecture simple
Avantages :
La bibliothèque d'objet propose un large éventail de choix pour les aménagements intérieurs et extérieurs ainsi que pour les portes et fenêtres.
Inconvénients :
Il se pose un problème de compatibilité entre les différents versions du logiciel.
AUTOCAD; un logiciel de cartographie très professionnel
Avantages :
J'ai commencé à travailler avec AUTO CAD en 2012, après effectuer une formation pour maîtriser ce logiciel. j'ai étudie l’aménagement du territoire et la géographie à l'université donc l'utilisation des logiciels de cartographie sont indispensable dans notre parcours. AUTOCAD convient les architectes plus que les géographes, parce que il y a trois volets AUTOCAD 2D, 3D et 3D max. en effet, dans mon cas, j'ai utilisé uniquement le AUTOCAD 2D parce que je fais que la cartographie. Par contre, les autres niveaux 3D et 3D max sont très destinés aux architectes pour réaliser leurs plans.
Inconvénients :
AUTOCAD 2D; comme j'avais dit un logiciel de cartographie permet de dessiner les cartes mais les inconvénients de ce logiciel qu'il fait pas le traitement , le stockage des données comme d'autres logiciels d'informations géographiques. je trouve que AUTOCAD convient beaucoup plus les architectes que les géographes
Autocad outil très indispensable
Commentaires : facile à utiliser, peut faire tous les dessins et il y a un guide pour chaque chose
Avantages :
très facile à utilisé et est multifonctionnel.le rendu aussi est parfait
Inconvénients :
revoir la gestion des fichiers volumineux et revoir le prix
Commentaires : Le meilleur logiciel de dessin
Avantages :
Facilite efficace et à la porter pour apprendre
Inconvénients :
Parfois le logiciel beug, mais heureusement quil ya l'enregistrement automatique
Easy architecture
Commentaires : Très bon ogiciel , très simple pour la conception des plans 2d
Avantages :
Je trouve que l ogiciel , il aide pour donné une vision de l avancement avant projet
Inconvénients :
Je trouve que il est un peu difficile pour gérer les parametres
Très bon logiciel
Avantages :
Les calques pour les différents corps de métier
Inconvénients :
Formation obligatoire. Beaucoup de fonction. Ne convient pas à tous.
Outils de construction
Avantages :
La formation dans le plans des immeubles
Inconvénients :
La version gratuite est limitéeEt la connexion balance
Logiciel ideal
Avantages :
Logiciel presque obligatoire dans nos métiers, large choix de fonctionnalités et de possibilités de création .
Inconvénients :
Logiciel professionnel parfois complexe, méritant une aide plus approfondie.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
Is AutoCAD Architecture Worth It?
Commentaires : This software always brings out the creative in you. It is always coming to the rescue when I least expect it so I plan on using it furthermore in the future.
Avantages :
This software comes with tools that allow me to model my buildings in 3D and comes with loads of options on how to create a set of architectural drawings. I can manipulate physical properties with certain parameters and drive the geometry accordingly by changing the value in the properties palette. I can even create door and window schedules based on components that are in the model I'm working on.
Inconvénients :
I really wish that AutoCAD (VANILLA) and AutoCAD Architecture were integrated as one sometimes, it would make my life so much easier.
Good choice for architectures out there
Commentaires : Created by the pioneers in CAD Autodesk, AutoCAD Architecture is designed for creating 2D and 3D modeling purposes. This serves its purpose as an architecture software with many specific tools and features to effectively create a design. And this needs a powerful device to run and will have some issues with compatibility and sudden crashing. But overall this serves its purpose, fast, effective, and precise in creating a design.
Avantages :
As with all other Autodesk software, AutoCAD Architecture comes with many great and innovative features to aid the user in creating the perfect design. Unlike typical architecture software, this is quite easy to use and has a good user interface to effectively use the software. And in my personal opinion, this has the precision element which is lacking in many other designing software. With adding more architecture-related features to typical AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture has become more helpful easier to create architecture designs. Considering the views, snapping, properties panel so far this is the most helpful and effective software for architectures. Especially many tutorials are available for anyone willing to try it.
Inconvénients :
Incompatibility with some other CAD software was a major disadvantage for AutoCAD Architecture and sometimes it crashed just after opening the files. And it was quite expensive to use. Also, the user interface was somewhat unfriendly considering some other applications. Finally, unlike AutoCAD, this was using more resources to perform.
Way too overpriced also not compatable with older versions
Commentaires : Too many clients need to have you save it down to a previous version. It is harder to customize than the older versions of CAD or Autocad alternatives.
Avantages :
The only pros about it is that everyone uses it so it can be used to open drawings from other firms.
Inconvénients :
It is not fully compatible with free-cad or Draftsight applications, it will give an error message saying the file was not created by an Autocad application even though there is nothing wrong with it and the file opens fine after closing the warning box. The biggest problem is sending files to people with earlier versions of CAD, they make it where you have to either buy a new copy of Autocad each year or the people sending the file have to save it down to your Autocad version. They have also eliminated or made it difficult to have auto-cad classic view instead of the ribbon. The new Xref manager is horrible unless you remember to type xrefclassic. The newest versions are also slow even on the newest PCs with core i7 processors and higher amounts of RAM.
AutoCAD Architecture: The Leader in Architectural Software
Commentaires : My overall experience with AutoCAD Architecture has been a positive one. Once I completed my first concept drawing, I was pleased to see our architect come up with much the same thing, using the same software. A vote of confidence from the industry solidified my impression of the software.
Avantages :
AutoCAD Architecture provides an easy to use, yet powerful interface for designing homes and other structures. When the time came to do a renovation on our home, I tried several alternatives before settling on AutoCAD Architecture as the most viable option. All of the other software suites lacked the functionality I sought in terms of views, materials control, snapping, dimensioning, and more. I had initially thought I would simply be using plain AutoCAD, but AutoCAD Architecture has enough architectural-specific features that made home design so much easier (standard thicknesses for walls; blocks for windows, appliances, etc.).
Inconvénients :
AutoCAD can be a bit overwhelming for the uninitiated/untrained. I had lots of experience with standard AutoCAD as an engineer, but was worried AutoCAD Architecture might be too complex. That concern turned out to be unfounded as there are many helpful teaching videos available online. After a half hour of how-to's, I was up and running without incident.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
AutoCAD Architecture Review
Commentaires : Overall experience is positive and allows us to be competitive in the marketplace
Avantages :
The software is highly compatible with many other products. There are unending resources available and supported by most if not all industries in one form or another which makes our job easier.
Inconvénients :
Can be cumbersome at times and has glitches that require work arounds. There are times where the program freezes up and requires reboot.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
AutoCAD Architecture Review
Commentaires : I am a self taught CAD operator who designs small houses and AutoCAD helped me a lot and is still helping me to this day even though I am still learning more, it is a good software that really helped me.
Avantages :
AutoCad is a very good CAD software because it is user friendly and it delivers quality graphics that encourage creativity, and it has a lot of features that can be added on and manipulated, which makes it a perfect Draughting tool for Architects old and new.
Inconvénients :
It took me too long to get a hang of everything, but truth be told, whatever I learned stayed with me because it was easy to apply, I feel it has a lot of features that need to be learnt first before everything is clearer.
Avantages :
Inconvénients :
Commentaires : my overall experience using autocad, is that autocad has made life easy for me, i don't have to carry drawing boards,Tee-squares and set-squares all over the place because i want to present a design concept,thanks to the auto-desk team.
Avantages :
Autocad makes the profession of designers, architect and engineers more easy, organised and interesting, the autocad interface provide every drawing tools in real life in a digital form, with the help of the tools like grids, object snaps , polar trackers and the orthogonal mode which behaves like a real life set-squares and Tee-squares, a professional can sit comfortable on is couch at home and make drawing reviews, with this extensive tools. autocad interface can easily be customized to fit the type of drafting you would want to carry out either 3D or 2d, some times the numerous toolbars and commands can be overwhelming for beginners, but they are very useful provided the user knows how and what to use them for. Autocad is user friendly,easy to use especially the 2D drafting the many tools have various functions, that would be be needed for different type of drawings, before you use autocad, you must understand the quality of work you want to achieve, then autocad will give them to you faster, accurately and more presentable. Autocad gives the privilege to password drawing files, to prevent access to your drawings by other users of your PC,you can go to options by right click on the drawing window,from there you can set password to your currently opened files, its has really help maintain some level of copy-right, and help to secure companies concept and and designs, I use password on drawings a lot.
Inconvénients :
The autocad 3D models is not has realistic like the BIM applications with a powerful rendering settings, so i prefer to export CAD format to Revit Architecture for my 3D realistic models. Autocad requires a PC with large memory speed, especially with the latest versions ,while carrying out 2D drafting, modifications like Hatching or triming, if you do not upgrade your RAM you will be very slow working on the application. The numerous tabs, tool bars can be very intimidating to beginners, has a trainer, I have to switch off some tabs and focus on those one that are needed for a particular deliverable, I would like my trainee to accomplish through the present exercise, before going to the next. It is very true that not all of these tools on the autocad interface are being used by architect for their 2D drafting. Making drawing reviews for large project on autocad is not has easy has using BIM applications like Revit Architecture, even if the changes on the plan is small, you will have to edit your elevations, sections, independently on autocad., but despite all these, autocad is the best for architect from the conceptual stage ,working drawing stage and presentation stage.
AutoCAD is the drafting and prototyping engineer's most extended product line of CAD stuff.
Commentaires : I've assisted others in establishing a gig basis context, and perhaps an appreciable self-serving basis and context of establishing themselves in a profession of architecture and product design, for example, in which they've had some appreciable experience in, and willingness to devote time on their own, as it were, to establishing a professionalism occupation on the merits of their pre-established education that would suit them in acquiring AutoCAD professional user experience for their future jobs and creations in life.
Avantages :
AutoCAD has one of the most long standing reputations and extensive product line offerings, bearing out from the basic context of AutoCAD itself, into various takes on what merits a CAD professionalism in the context od many different specializations of CAD-related industries, from fashion, to prototyping, to architecture, to building facets of the construction, development, piping and wiring context of getting into the various takes on AutoCAD releases that feature specializations suited to assist the specialist drafting engineering architect in building development contexts outside of a notably commonplace notion of CAD for architecture, [as I'd come to expect, from experience], whereas the standard AutoCAD is feature-worthy and extensible enough to merit its use in any sort of professional details-and-measurements-driven usage of a need to have access to all steps created during the drafting process, in exacting measurement contexts of producing goods for manufacture, for example.
Inconvénients :
As an ambitious digital muti-media artist snd various cottage industries aspirant, of several various pursuits in life, CAD has proven to be somewhat high on the prior-education and prerequisites of knowledge spectrum, as far as a considerably ad hoc entrepreneurial common fare other digital multimedia areas of specialization would not particularly merit a sit down and first off considerable user basis of know how and mastery within a CAD software context. It's obviously good software, but the learning context of being able to appreciably produce a professional product for actual manufacturing specifications would take more learning experience than I've devoted to CAD.
Importance of using autocad architecture
Avantages :
- reduces errors -saves time and its easy to import and export files -files of drawings are easy to share
Inconvénients :
- its a bit pricey. -its complex especially to beginners. - file format support is limited
Help people to create architectural designs
Commentaires : AutoCAD Architecture takes the former AutoCAD to a whole new dimension. The program significantly boosts productivity, which allows a client to work more efficiently and effectively. In fact, I think this product is something essential in every office and home that frequently deals with architectural designs. I also think that companies that choose to adopt this particular program will most likely enjoy the added benefit of mechanization of complex drafting undertakings than before.
Avantages :
CAD software is tailor-made to help people create aesthetically appealing architectural designs and documents quickly and easily. On the other hand, AutoCAD Architecture adds more salient features for architectural drawing, schedules, and documentation. It's also easy to automate drafting tasks with just a few clicks, which makes life easier and fun at the same time. This software program is fairly easy to use, especially when you undertake a few beginner lessons. It's an excellent option for basic floor plans, landscape studies, and elevations to mention a few. You can easily turn off multiple layers that you don't need, and choose the ones that suit your specific project. I love to use this as my schematic starting point before uploading them to other designing tools, such as Revit or Photoshop.
Inconvénients :
There's a small learning curve a person may experience in the beginning before they can start using the program efficiently and effectively. The keyboard commands are many and overwhelming, and there are so many ways of accomplishing a single task. Also, the functionality to organize large drawings or to organize repetitive elements is very limited. All these technicalities make it very easy for a person to get lost and confused, especially if you're sharing your work with someone who has a different layout preference from yours. Another thing I really dislike about this program is the 3D software part. Sure, you're able to create awesome designs with 3D, but the whole experience is time-consuming and a largely manual task altogether.
AutoCAD Architecture: A Powerful Design and Collaboration Tool for Architects
Commentaires : AutoCAD Architecture's ability to create detailed 3D models, which allows architects to visualize and manipulate their designs in three dimensions. The software's compatibility with BIM and its collaboration tools also make it an attractive option for building professionals who need to manage and track changes to building models and data throughout the design process.However, as I mentioned earlier, AutoCAD Architecture can come with certain challenges, including a steep learning curve, resource-intensive requirements, and technical issues. Nonetheless, overall, AutoCAD Architecture is a powerful and popular software in the architecture and building industry, and many professionals rely on it for their design and documentation needs.
Avantages :
AutoCAD Architecture is a software application specifically designed for architects and building professionals to create and modify architectural designs and documentation. Some of the features that make AutoCAD Architecture popular among professionals include:3D modeling capabilities: AutoCAD Architecture allows users to create detailed 3D models of buildings, allowing architects to visualize and manipulate their designs in three dimensions.Building information modeling (BIM) integration: AutoCAD Architecture is compatible with BIM, which enables architects to manage and track changes to building models and data throughout the design process.Customization options: AutoCAD Architecture provides a wide range of customization options, including the ability to create custom elements and add-ons that can be shared with other users.Collaboration tools: AutoCAD Architecture enables architects and building professionals to collaborate on designs and share files with other members of their team, making it easier to work together on complex projects.Overall, AutoCAD Architecture is a powerful tool for architects and building professionals, providing a range of features and benefits to help streamline the design process and improve collaboration between team members.
Inconvénients :
common challenges that users may face when working with the software are as follows:-Steep learning curve: AutoCAD Architecture can be challenging for new users to learn, particularly those without prior experience in CAD software. The software has a wide range of features and tools that can take time to master.Cost: AutoCAD Architecture is a relatively expensive software, particularly for smaller businesses and individual users. The cost of licensing and maintenance can be a barrier to adoption for some users.Resource-intensive: AutoCAD Architecture can be resource-intensive, particularly when working with large or complex building models. Users may need powerful hardware to run the software effectively, which can also contribute to cost considerations.Technical issues: Like any software, AutoCAD Architecture can experience technical issues and bugs that can impact the user experience. Users may need to spend time troubleshooting or seeking technical support to resolve these issues.Overall, while AutoCAD Architecture is a powerful and popular software for architectural design, it may come with certain challenges that users should be aware of before adopting it into their workflow.