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Un logiciel ERP complet et en temps réel avec des fonctionnalités agiles et de lean manufacturing développées spécifiquement pour les entreprises de fabrication de taille moyenne.
We purchased this software due to the ability to 'customize' through the purchase of different modules. We were also drawn to them for their expertise in the industry and their customer support.
EDI set up always problems and hard to get help and expansive especially on reports for labels.
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Using IQ since 2009
Commentaires : Saving time since IQ is taking care of mostly everything
Avantages :
It includes everything from order entry, inventory, machine scheduling to accounting
Inconvénients :
Version 16 has a lot of problems still unsolved
IQMS Review
Commentaires : Overall, we are happy with IQMS. We are a plastic injection molding company and we use the system from quote to cash. It is our central point of information and connectivity between departments. We are intending to expand our usage of the system in the future by adding other modules. Our reporting capabilities are significantly increased through the usage of this system as well. We use the IQAlert and IQVoice systems on a daily basis to stay ahead of issues and report problems immediately to the manufacturing floor. RealTime screens are running throughout the plant so we have an instant visual on how the day is going. Overall, this has been a great benefit to our company and has helped us grow our business.
Avantages :
The Real time access to information is my favorite thing about this software. We use the modules to connect to the machines and this information drives many of our decisions. The system has a great deal of functionality, and I know we are not utilizing it to its fullest. It has helped us as we are growing as a manufacturing company.
Inconvénients :
I do not like having to upgrade to a whole new version when we need to make a change. It would be nice if we could simply update with a patch. It takes a long time to get a solution to a system issue and we are often making work arounds. I know they are beginning to offer web-based solutions that will probably largely eliminate this issue. (Although, development and corrections will still take time I'm sure). Also, I feel as though the customer service has gone down since we began with them in 2011. I tend to only call support when I'm really stuck with an issue. More often then not, I'm directed to help pages that I've already read and still didn't resolve my issue.
Good and bad experiences, hoping for improvements
Commentaires : This is the second company I've worked for that is using EnterpriseIQ and despite the issues, I'm glad we have it and enjoy working with it and with IQMS. It's very impressive how many things it can do all under one database and one login. It makes a lot of sense for small manufacturers with limited IT support. I have high hopes that the software will continue to improve and would recommend it to others with caveats. Choosing an ERP/MRP system is a huge decision and I would recommend going well beyond the sales pitches and brochures to make your decision. Visit other customers and speak to actual users with manufacturing requirements similar to yours, if you can.
Avantages :
As an IT Administrator who does my best to help my company utilize the software, I can say that I actually enjoy working with the software, learning about it, and customizing it. I enjoy designing Crystal Reports, utilizing the built-in customization features like user fields and user-defined forms, and figuring out how to use and customize the various modules of the software to meet my company's unique needs.
Inconvénients :
I'd say my biggest complaint with the software is the lack of refinement. There are too many basic canned reports that were designed a decade ago seemingly only placed into the software as placeholders without much thought into what would actually be a useful report to each module. There are lots of features that seem thrown in to meet specific customer requests without enough strategic thought into how to make the feature the best it can be. One example is a CRM utility that automates the reassignment of activities to a different user. Sounds great. But the problem is, it won't work if the current owner of those activities has left the company and you deleted their account or set their termination date. IQMS has been growing by leaps and bounds over the years, and the software I think reflects that. To their credit and to their discredit, they have been responsive to their customer's requests for new features and improvements. But the frequent changes led to things not working right. I think they were pushing out features faster than they could reliably test them and they were over their ski's for a time. For example, the HR/workforce module, in a previous version, was shockingly buggy. It seems to better now, though. New management at IQMS seems to have gotten the message about their customer's demands for higher quality and reliability. I think the jury is still out though how successful their quality push has been. EnterpriseIQ is a good system but I wouldn't say it is intuitive in regards to MRP, scheduling, work orders, etc. I think it takes a sharp person to really dig into how everything fits together and how the multitude of switches and knobs throughout the software affects how things work. My fear, with the new ambitious management team, is that they'll push for new features and the latest buzzwords to win new customers but won't prioritize making the day-to-day workflow better and more intuitive for current users. The executives want the astronomical growth to continue, I'm sure, but slow and steady growth is probably more conducive to stable product development with growth based on word-of-mouth from people who have actually used the software every day.

EnterpriseIQ - The Intelligent Choice
Commentaires : I can only speak from the perspective of injection molding, but we have found EnterpriseIQ to be a very good fit for our business. It is very strong in Scheduling, Quality, CRM, Real-Time Press Monitoring, Warehouse/Inventory Management, and Asset Management, as well as the core ERP functions (AR, AP, etc.) (We do not run EDI so I can't comment). NBP is running far more efficiently now than before we implemented IQ. We painstakingly evaluated many software packages prior to making our selection, and we are glad that we chose EnterpriseIQ. I recommend it wholeheartedly. EnterpriseIQ is the intelligent choice.
Avantages :
EnterpriseIQ is a very comprehensive and robust ERP system. We were able to consolidate our old ERP and several independent, and often redundant databases, spreadsheets and other systems into one central application. In general, the system is reliable and easy to maintain. Support is good, readily available, and domestic. No pressing (1) for English. IQMS as a company seems to value its customers, and is responsive to their needs and wants as a whole. The software is continually being enhanced, both in depth and breadth. The MRP engine is powerful and very quick, taking just a few minutes to generate. Overall, the system is very intuitive and user friendly. New users are able to learn and become functional quickly. Additionally, great training is available in person or via the web. IQMS is very integrated, so it is easy to jump from one module to another without having to navigate endless menus. IQMS comes with many pre-written reports and customization is relatively easy with CR.
Inconvénients :
In the grand scheme of things, relative to other ERP systems, there are few drawbacks to IQMS, and no showstoppers for NBP. Occasionally the MRP engine creates a work order that doesn't seem to have any demand, so sometimes I have to evaluate the need for an order manually to be sure. Security/permissions for the system is a bit cumbersome at times, but IQMS has improved that recently and continues to work on it. Alerts seems to be a bit unstable. I don't know if that is a widespread issue or unique to us, but I frequently have to restart the app. We have not been able to get IQ to fit our needs for quoting, but in all fairness our system is fairly elaborate. We also found the Workforce module to be weak.
IQMS Software Review
Commentaires : We are currently using IQMS for all our activities as mentioned above. We are dilgent to keep data current to be able to analyze our costs.
Avantages :
IQMS offers everything needed to run a injection molding business and more. Quoting, production reporting, inventory , shipping accounting and more.
Inconvénients :
It seems that things may change based on a suggestion, which is good, but I wonder if it a majority or a squeaky wheel. To be specific, there was a fairly recent change which made entering a quote due date mandatory. This can get annoying as you are going along in the quote and get stopped to add a due date and have to return to the 1st page.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
Accounting is horrible
Commentaires : Sales guy was great, not so much on everything else
Avantages :
Production side of things seems ok, thats about it. Price seems too high, managing the accounting is very difficult
Inconvénients :
Accounting side of things has MAJOR issues and difficult to manage
IQMS review
Commentaires : The RealTime monitoring is a wonderful feature. It helps many of our people with their job.
Avantages :
The integration across the company. It is the only way to design ERP software.
Inconvénients :
The price increases, and increases. It feels like we are held hostage.
Hard to start
Avantages :
The software itself seems very useful. Downfall on our use, was that the person helping with start up cut too many corners.
Inconvénients :
There are ALOT of windows to go through to find what you need.
It's been a rough go
Commentaires : It Does everything we need
Avantages :
Software has everything we need, Plus some. Very customizable for any customers needs. Once it's up and running not much you need to do with it.
Inconvénients :
Patching and your updates are terrible and when you apply KI's that will introduce other issues. What it comes to support you don't know what you're going to get. I feel like your engineers some know your product very well others I won't talk to.

Review of Quality Module
Commentaires :
Great Module!!!
SMI could not have achieved ISO 13485 with so little effort if it wasn't for the IQMS Quality Module.
Avantages :
Integrates with other ERP modules Built in Document Control System Template flexability Covers the whole quality requirements spectrum for a non-FDA regulated manufacturing firm.
Inconvénients :
Smal things like... 1. ECO is per one item and cannot be cloned when the same change is being done on multiple items. 2. Workflow approval is limited to specific person approvala and does not allow for an approval from Engineering or Quality (as long as one person from the group approves) 3. No folders within Doc Control
Réponse de l'équipe de Dassault Systemes
il y a 13 ans
With the most recent version of EnterpriseIQ Quality, users can link multiple BOM's to a single ECO which translates to multiple parts per ECO. Additionally, unlimited Document Control libraries (both secure and unsecure) are allowed.
If users are prepared to put in the upfront work into IQMS it will be a great asset to your business
Avantages :
The depth and breadth of the program is impressive. I like the flexibly of use from a small section of manufacturing process, to using it fully from quoting, production and quality testing. Consistency but continued expansion of the IQMS program is appreciated (I am a user since 2004). Help desk can be very responsive when it comes to problems/questions arising. If it is a major problem they will `take you by the hand solve it with you. With the interface I appreciate the ability to jump from window to window to window. I also appreciate it is a multi-window program.
Inconvénients :
The structure of the database not being directly linked to the naming scheme of the interface can be frustrating when creating reports or finding problems. The structure of security section is hard to manage (groups and sections instead of individual profiles and direct security approvals). Not being able to easily substitute alternative items in the BOMs/Work orders can be a hindrance to accurate consumption. Also the structure of the consumption can be awkward. If a change is needed to the program a committee gathers once a year to vote on the focus of the upgrades and improvements, is the process to update errors to the computer system, instead of a more instant solution (though if it is obvious they will fix it sooner).
EDI Module
Commentaires : For companies that need to be able to support EDI transactions, this is a must-have module. The heavy integration with the rest of the EnterpriseIQ application make it ideal vs. trying to use a separate, third-party application. Make sure to carefully calculate the costs associated with implementing this module as there are charges for each trading partner, each transaction set programmed and annual support costs calculated based on all these purchases.
Avantages :
The IQMS EDI module provides much needed EDI transaction capabilities. The module provides wide array of EDI functionality including standard X12 and EDIFACT transactions as well as custom flat file import and export. The module is tightly integrated with the rest of the EIQ application to help keep data integrity intact and keeps users more efficient while performing EDI tasks. Customer service from the IQMS EDI group has been fantastic.
Inconvénients :
Module can be difficult to configure and scale up with large number of trading partners and transactions. Most transaction additions and changes require custom programming from IQMS at a cost per transaction and trading partner. Very limited documentation or tutorials on how to program or add transaction mappings yourself. The module does not come with its own communication tool for the actual transmission of EDI data, this requires an outside mechanism such as FTP or VAN supplied communication application.
Réponse de l'équipe de Dassault Systemes
il y a 13 ans
Flexibility and configurability are key with EnterpriseIQ EDI. Each customer's installation is unique so our EDI permits execution of custom business rules, allowing more freedom in employing business processes. Also, the same tools used for creating EDI templates and scripts are available to the IQMS end user. With training and knowledge, companies can create and maintain their own EDI implementations-many customers are doing this successfully. Moreover, we have highly trained EDI staff to assist with questions, training or handle complete implementations. IQMS EDI Trading Partners and Transaction Sets are purchased just once, utilized as often as needed and are then supported by IQMS at no additional cost via our standard maintenance contract. We partner with CLEO's LexiCom software to provide industry recognized Trading Partner communication packages for data transmission and receipt, thus granting the control and security necessary to function effectively in the digital world.
Blown Extrusion Film Manufacturer
Commentaires : It was acceptable. We had multiple IQMS implementation individuals on site during implementation due to their employee turnover - first change was at our request - employee was not knowledgeable.
Avantages :
Ease of use for new users and the ability to "jump" from one module to another - in multiple areas of the software.
Inconvénients :
Lack of experienced team for implementation and support. The software is not written for blown extrusion but has been somewhat adapted.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
Commentaires : Our overall experience with this system has been amazing! Cannot give it good enough ratings. The people in the company are great to work with, the other customers are a joy to be around and it is a great environment to operate in.
Avantages :
As we looked to grow, it was clear that we could not do it on current platform, after implementing IQMS we were able to build a platform that allowed us to double our business while maintaining our elite quality scorecard with customers like GM, Magna, BorgWarner and ZF. This technology was game changing.
Inconvénients :
It is a fringe element of the system is the SPC/quality module. I wish that there was a more robust quality module including PPAP, control plans and FMEA analysis.
ERP in a high mix, low volume environment
Avantages :
I have been using IQMS for about 6 years now. I love the extensibility of the software. Most ERP systems have the ability to be a good fit for most of your business. The real key to success is how well they allow you to tweak and extend the software to meet your unique business requirements. IQMS excels at this. With user defined forms and reports, customizable alerts to monitor system changes, and change tracking to the field level, it provides the tools I need to handle our specific use cases. I am also very pleased with support provided. IQMS does a great job of monitoring user needs and working to improve the software. There have been a variety of new features added over the years that provide us with better ways to manager our business. Their technical support staff is also very good. They are knowledgeable and thorough when working to resolve whatever issues might arise.
Inconvénients :
Enterprise IQ was initially designed for the plastics industry. Over the years, IQMS has worked hard to add additional features for non-plastics industries, but we still run into occasions where this initial usage interferes with the way we look at manufacturing. We build very complex BOMs (hundreds of parts in dozens of sub-assemblies across up to 5 or 6 levels), and we struggle at times to manage these complex BOMs. Fortunately, the extensibility allows us to create some additional tools to fill in the gaps.
EnterpiseIQ For Plastic Injection Molding
Commentaires : Overall, I think IQMS is a solid ERP solution that is particularly ideal for industry specific applications. The real power of this application is the tight integration between modules, the user-friendly interface and the minimal system administration required. The IQMS product is supported by a friendly and responsive technical support department. They also have worked with us to facilitate feature requests and enhancements to the product.
Avantages :
- EnterpriseIQ is a very flexible, feature-rich application with a nicely integrated set of modules - Industry specific with many built-in enhancements specific to the plastic molding and manufacturing industry - User-friendly interface with good security framework and functionality across all modules - Use of standard Crystal Reports for custom reporting - Robust Oracle back end database - Has the ability to run as a Citrix Server published application - Handles multi-plant configuration scenarios - Web and RF based modules for some computing functionality on mobile and scanner devices - Helpful and responsive customer service and tech support - Decent built-in and online help documentation - Online, instructor-led training classes available for most modules
Inconvénients :
- Installation and configuration of database server, client machines and various other components is a bit complicated and can be very tricky if upgrading hardware or software versions - Have encountered occasional flaws/bugs or shortcomings in functionality within some modules (may be addressed in more recent versions) - Barcode label printing is cumbersome and difficult to configure and maintain across multiple remote locations - No public API or developer license to make customizations to database schema or application modules - Customer service / tech support not available 24/7 - Client applications not Windows 64 bit compatible
Two Thumbs Up for Enterprise IQ
Commentaires : I can only objectively comment on EIQ for Plastics. Our relation with IQMS has been a very successful one. The software does everything we need it to do stock, without modifications. Implementations have all been very smooth, and on time and budget. IQMS support is very good and timely. From general Customer Support to more detailed technical support, IQMS has always been there for us. The niche business aspect means that EIQ is designed for plastics, not for businesses with different needs. The user interfaces are pretty easy to understand and use. The use of Crystal reports makes writing custom reports fast, easy and free. The cost benefit for EIQ is very good. When you look at the cost of deploying EIQ versus other packages, EIQ is very price competitive. Annual maintenance costs are less than with other packages I have priced. Summary, after being an IQMS customer for many years and using the software, I would buy EIQ again.
Avantages :
There are many Pros to EIQ. First, it is a TRUE ERP package. EIQ has INTEGRATED has all the elements necessary to run a plastics business. These are IQMS written modules, not a skeleton package that 'bolts on' other vendor applications. Second, the EIQ implementation was on schedule for each plant where we deployed it. Third, IQMS excels at listening to 'the voice of the customer'. IQMS listens very closely to the requests and suggestions of the user community. The IQMS user group is very active and the user group meetings that IQMS hosts are very productive. Fourth, IQMS keeps the software fresh. As new innovations and practices are developed in the general ERP world, IQMS is right there updating the software to reflect the current state of ERP thinking. Fifth, IQMS is niche market. We use EIQ for plastics processing and it speaks the language of plastics. Try to find a generic ERP package that talks about Regrind, Runners, Sprue, Blends at the press, cavitation, etc.
Inconvénients :
Customer Service is not 24/7
IQMS Enterprise ERP
Commentaires : Overall, IQMS ERP has functioned very well for us. IQMS continues to show an aggressive road map with future enhancements and capabilities. They seem to genuinely listen to feedback from their customers and try to implement the best suggestions and recommendations.
Avantages :
The IQMS ERP software is a well rounded and full-featured software package. Manufacturing modules are specifically designed for plastic injection manufacturing. Software has a comprehensive set of modules and covers everything from manufacturing, inventory, accounting, supply chain and human resources activities. We have found IQMS customer service and technical support to be excellent.
Inconvénients :
Some modules are a bit clunky and difficult to use. There is also a lack of an API structure to allow for customization by the customer. Use of product in a WAN environment requires use of Terminal Services and/or Citrix for client connectivity. Upgrading the software is also a cumbersome process.
18 Months after Implementation
Commentaires : IQMS seems to have all of the features we would want for a small/medium business. It has a great deal of flexibility, without an overabundance of complexity. The system is definately faster than the other solutions we looked at, which was one of our deciding points. Overall we are also pleased with the support we have received and their ability to regualrly implement fixes and improvements.
Avantages :
We implemented IQMS 18 months ago and are generally pleased with the results. We have found a way to meet virtually every goal we had and even some we did not. The person that helped us thru implentation was very knowledgeable and really worked with us to make sure we got up and running. The customer support was readily available and persistent in working thru to a solution.
Inconvénients :
While there are literally 1000's of pre-written reports available, we found very few that were of any real use to us as is. We eventually had to hire a report writer to customize virtually every report to meet our needs. In their defense, IQMS warned us of this prior to implementation, but we just expected the stock reports to be more useful and accurate. We used almost all stock reports in our prior ERP system While the customer support was available and persistent thruout implementation, we were surprised at the lack of direct knowledge of the system. Virtually every question required research and testing. I believe a lot of this was due to our use of the assembly1 BOMS, but we have found this to be true even of the accounting questions as well. We also found a number of features withint th esystem that appeared to be implemented to meet a specific need for a customer that was not really usable by us, such as the freight cost calculation system.
IQMS - What we like and dislike
Avantages :
We purchased this software due to the ability to 'customize' through the purchase of different modules. We were also drawn to them for their expertise in the industry and their customer support. Their customer support has always been responsive and helpful. Their implementation assistance was also a primary factor for choosing IQMS.
Inconvénients :
The accounting function has always seemed to be an afterthought although I have heard that more current versions have been addressing this. Also - there are aspects within the main software that are not utilized by many - i.e., Quoting and Estimating.
IQMS Review
Avantages :
The software was such a huge improvement over what we were previously using! We especially like the amount of information it can present to us in real-time, instead of 2-3 days later like we had in our old system.
Inconvénients :
IQMS oftentimes tries to be too many things to too many people. We've often joked in the user community that if you want to get new functionality or a major bug fixed that you should drop IQMS and return as a new customer, since they bend over backwards to accommodate that new sale. There are issues with buggy releases and support that sometimes is just parroting what is in the help screens and online documentation. These issues need to be addressed if they want to continue to be considered best-in-class.
Maximizing IQMS throughout our plant
Commentaires : There is no doubt that the quality module alllows us - a very small company - to out perform most of our largest competitors - and it simply is a result of us being willing to learn and adapt to maximize utilization of the quality module...which also involves integration with all the other modules touched by quality. That integration is what makes it so powerful.
Avantages :
For approximately the last 6 years we have been refining our ISO systems as well as integrating IQMS quality module into our plant. The Quality module has allowed us to design our systems and then mold the functionality of the quality module to fit our needs. As with many of the modules - there are so many choices, options and things to set up - if you don't have a good manual system then developing a brand new system within IQMS can be overwhelming. However - this is also it's greatest asset letting us define how we need to use the system to help us. We utilize all aspects of the quality module to do our daily work and often times our customers tell us our systems are better than theirs - and these comments are audits done by medical device customers. Our ISO auditors and IQMS consultants also indicate that we are unique in our passion to use as much of each module as we can implement...and we are still implementing as we learn to use each module well
Inconvénients :
Can't think of any immediate "con's". Obviiously we struggle at times to get a system to do what we want, but that often is a function of us not having the right approach or unwilling to change/adapt. In time and usually with brainstorming we are able to acheive desired results.
Operational Effectiveness with IQMS
Commentaires : We are very satisfied with IQMS. We are committed to continuing to expand our usage of the system. IQMS provides more functionality than what we have learned to take advantage of. We believe it is a system that will support our planned rapid growth in business.
Avantages :
IQMS provides a very robust system with a high degree of flexibility. It encompasses and integrates most operational and accounting functions into a single system which is very valuable. This results in fewer user interfaces that must be supported by IT and our Supervisors. It also results in our operational functions all working from the same data base. We provide a system overview for many new customers. These customers are much, much larger than us, but they usually express that they wish they had such extensive functionality in their company's systems. The functionality that enables a user to "jump" directly from, for example, inventory item to bill of material, adds to the efficiency for users once they understand it. Design of the IQMS software allows our Production supervisors, set-up technicians and operators to use the system to monitor what presses are running using "Real-Time". They also can see if the job is running according to standards.
Inconvénients :
Because of the fullness of functionality and flexibility provided by IQMS, at times it appears overly complex to users as they first begin learning the system. It can seem a bit overwhelming. Learning to navigate wihtin the system is a key. The Help system could be stronger, but we consider this a struggle for most software packages.
One enterprise system captures and controls all disciplines ensuring world class execution in operations.
Commentaires : The software if very adaptable to almost any business. The real-time monitoring provides instant visibility to what is going on in operations. As we continue to improve our business new reports can be created to get after the devil in the details.
Avantages :
Ability to customize reports to show dashboards providing important visibility to department managers. Ease of providing data for proof of compliance for external auditors and customers. Real-time monitoring showing if we are winning or losing at a click.
Inconvénients :
Updates: Love/hate... As the updates take place providing important improvements there are also changes that disrupt the way processes were handled previously. Change is sometimes difficult.
IQMS review
Avantages :
The ease of use is this products best feature. It is very intuitive but if you are struggling there is always a help file at your finger tips. This product is also very robust and there is a way to accomplish every business need through a variety of ways. Another handy feature is that you can jump to different areas within the current screen you are looking at. This saves time and allows quick analysis and decisions. I also truly appreciate the way the vendor interacts with their customers. They have many levels of support and training and they will help solve any business need. They also react to any changes the customer may want to see. As you can see I gave it a 10 and I am not one to usually hand out a top grade like that easily.
Inconvénients :
I have no downsides to IQMS that come to mind. The only thing I can say is that because this product is such a great system they have grown leaps and bounds so there is more of a process to have changes made or to receive support then there was in the past.