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En savoir plus sur MacOS Big Sur
MacOS Big Sur est la dernière version du système d'exploitation pour les ordinateurs Mac. Il propose un centre de contrôle en un clic et une page de démarrage personnalisable.
The ecosystem integration, and frequency update, are easy to use.
I'm ok with doing this but if a less tech savvy person came across this problem it may confuse them.
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Great user interface with occasional errors
Avantages :
Like other macOS distributions, Big Sur offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Big Sur introduced some changes in design, such as new icons and redesigned toolbars. I personally did not find these changes to be too disruptive and consider them a small improvement from previous versions.
Inconvénients :
There aren't many downsides to using macOS Big Sur, especially if you're already familiar with using Apple products. One issue I've noticed is that apps on Big Sur seem to become unresponsive slightly more frequently than on previous versions of macOS.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
Maybe the best option for developers
Commentaires : Overall, I use it as my daily OS and can't wait to get some system improvements.
Avantages :
I went for macOS Big Sur mostly because of its reputation as the best operating system for developers. After a while, I would agree, as it provides a wide support for most of the required tools for every developer.
Inconvénients :
The learning curve (when switching from e.g. Windows) is quite steep, I know some people, that have problems with that - not particularly my case. Some standard features from other OS (Windows, Linux distributions) are missing and I would welcome them. I would say that if it had them, the transition would be smoother.
Big Sur Big Looks
Avantages :
The OS was easy to navigate and it is a very refined look. The processing power is very good.
Inconvénients :
The OS is not as intuitive as other systems and some people find it to be confusing especially when navigating files and other storage.
MacOS Big Sur review
Commentaires : Overall experience has been very positive.
Avantages :
I like that this is for ARM64 based processors, which, I think, are superior to Intel based processors. Also the support for iOS and iPadOS applications.
Inconvénients :
Desktop design is new. I'm not a big fan of design changes just for the sake of change.
Reliable OS that could be amazing if they made it easier to use
Avantages :
I have Big Sur on a Macbook laptop. Its been very reliable rarely does it crash. Some things are well designed for example the about this mac feature, the dock and the app store app.
Inconvénients :
It seems odd to me that given how long Apple have been making operating systems that some things have not been improved, for example sometimes having to drag the icon for a newly installed bit of software to the applications folder. I'm ok with doing this but if a less tech savvy person came across this problem it may confuse them. Another example is the search feature its overly complicated messing around with smart folders to do advanced searches. I think the way Windows deals with searching for things is much better way to do it.
The best operating system
Avantages :
macOS is always protected against viruses and you don't usually need another antivirus to protect it unlike Windows. It always starts up quickly and doesn't need to always be powered off. It is also very power efficient. Device management is a breeze whether you use a first or third party solution.
Inconvénients :
There are a few apps that don't run well, or dont run at all on macOS.
User friendly
Commentaires : My experience has been great so far, it is easy to use.
Avantages :
It is super easy to use for someone who isn't super big into tech. I like that I was able to get instructions on it or it walked me thru things I needed done.
Inconvénients :
I havnt found anything I hated about it yet. I have found it to be very easy to use and user freindly.
Big Sur in the house
Commentaires : I liked I used it and it run great for me one of apples best system
Avantages :
I used it it was one of apples best update and very will and very smooth not to buggy didn't have a lot of issues
Inconvénients :
Most apples ios update are over within a year and sometimes your computer will update you out of the older ios
Stable OS for Mac. Good for high-performing professional users.
Avantages :
Interface was good, new features were welcome.
Inconvénients :
Compatibility with 1-year old applications was shakey, and I had issues with FTP software and other brands.
Magic Big Sur!
Avantages :
Everything is very good and simple! I'm a simple user with music programs, and for daily use...!!!
Inconvénients :
Sometimes the music program took more time for the computer to think, but it was very rare... I'm very happy with Big Sur!
Si può fare di meglio
Avantages :
Big Sur si è mostrato spesso impegnativo per il mio MacBook Air .Molto meglio l’aggiornamento successivo
Inconvénients :
Lentezza di calcolo e nel refresh page
Sistema operativo sicuro e pulito
Commentaires : Esperienza ottima, fa girare tanti programmi utili per lavorare senza nessun problema
Avantages :
La pulizia e la gestione dei dati è scorrevole
Inconvénients :
Ostile ad alcuni programmi non nativi Apple ma risolvibile
Gets the job done well... but nothing new
Commentaires : I think the best part of Big Sur over Yosemite is the lack of change under hood as well as on the desktop user experience. Yosemite was fine. Big Sur is fine. I think the biggest changed was just it was a new year and needed to put out a new version. Though that tends to make things more difficult for the users / Admins.
Avantages :
Apple seems to have gotten to the point where they don't need to have a huge major change to their software each release the way they do with their hardware.
Inconvénients :
Big Sur, to me, Doesn't seem THAT much different from Yosemite, nor THAT much different from Monterey. The one big difference is that something always seems to change on the INSIDE and we trying up upgrade from one version to the next, I always cross my fingers since it seems that the upgrade will fail more often than it should and that comes with the array of problems you would expect. It seems like making the change from Yosemite was a change for the sake of making it look like Apple is doing something... making progress in something that doesn't need it.
Il grande Mac
Commentaires : Velocità di esecuzione dei vari compiti
Avantages :
L'adattamento ai bisogni personali per svolgere i compiti
Inconvénients :
L'impossibilità di usare determinati hardware dopo l'upgrade

Had best features
Commentaires : Big Sur needed to have greater faith in the user and be more transparent about the internal workings of the system. Maybe the improved version would be out later.
Avantages :
I appreciated the upgrades, different features, performance improvements, and other features that operate with both new and old gear as well as enhancing both of them.
Inconvénients :
Finding a complaint for this operating system is difficult because it has served me well and I haven't been able to identify any drawbacks.
Mac Costoso ma indispensabile a lavoro
Commentaires : Lo uso a lavoro nel Mac aziendale. Non posso farne a meno. Meglio del precedente Windows
Avantages :
Velocità e sicurezza. Mai avuto problemi di rallentamenti. Un esempio è che difficilmente è necessario fare riavvii forzati
Inconvénients :
Può essere poco compatibile con alcuni software di nicchia aziendali che magari prediligono le piattaforme Windows

Veloce efficiente ed indispensabile
Commentaires : Lo uso sia a lavoro che nel tempo libero.
Avantages :
Ottima gestione automatica risorse. Super efficiente. Per lavorare con software informatico fondamentale.
Inconvénients :
Può capitare che alcuni software non sia compatibilissimi. Ormai poi comunque esiste qualsiasi cosa per Mac OS
Mi Sistema operativo
Commentaires : Apple, ha ido mejorando mucho sus sistemas operativos, son varios equipos los que tenemos, Mac pro, Imac, y Macbook Pro, en los equipos mas antiguos, he preferido no actualizar el Mac Os Big Sur, por aplicaciones mas antiguas.
Avantages :
Durante estuvo instalado en mi equipo un Macbook Pro, lo utilice durante mucho tiempo, hasta que llego las nuevas actualizaciones de Software ,a mi personalmente me funciono bien.
Inconvénients :
Algunas veces se me bloqueaba, cuando hacia videos y renderizaciones, algo pesadas.
Very good OS, good features.
Avantages :
I thought that Big Sur worked very well for all my purposes. It functioned as I expected.
Inconvénients :
There was no issue with this OS. I never had any bugs or crashes.
Keine großen Veränderungen
Commentaires : Top!
Avantages :
Wie man es von Apple gewohnt ist, läuft Big Sur ohne große Probleme.
Inconvénients :
Ich brauche meinen Mac nicht für wirklich komplizierte Dinge, daher habe ich persönlich keine großen Neuerungen entdeckt.
Alternatives envisagées précédemment :
A more powerful and customizable mac os version bringing mobile interface to the desktop
Commentaires : Mac os big sur offers quite a lot of changes for old users of mac such as installing IOS apps natively if on the newest hardware, safari has also been supercharged to make one reconsider using other better relied on apps. Overall, if you are on the newest non intel based mac , big sur is a no brainer, if you were on the previous version ie catalina then all the newer features introduced then are further enhanced in big sur.
Avantages :
Mac os big sur has brought a lot of customizability to mac os, allowing deep changes to safari and the interface. Most apps are also quite fast with notable speed in safari over other browsers like chrome. If you also enjoy certain apps on IOs big sur is your best chance to run them on desktop.
Inconvénients :
If you are running hardware pre 2013 unfortunately it isnt compatible with big sur. Also the upgrade process has to be done very carefully as the compatibilty with externally installed apps has to be verified individually. Some apps could not activate their licenses after upgrade
I use macOS Big Sur and really love its capacities no matter the environment that I use it.
Commentaires : It is very good, I feel comfortable using this, I do not want to change to another os. Or only expecting a new from Mac
Avantages :
Visually I love this OS, it is pretty easy to use, usually you are in a friendly OS, without complications or issues, compared to different OS that I have been used, I like the way that the trackpad help to go between a task to another easily, this helps a lot in an work environment usually too stressant, MacOs makes it easy.
Inconvénients :
Mac, and MacOS are usuall the most expensive in the market, butreally worth it.
Something BIG for you with MacOS Big Sur
Avantages :
Very Easy to use. Totally basic for all ages.
Inconvénients :
There's nothing to like about. Everything that you need is just a click away.
Software mit stetiger Weiterentwicklung
Avantages :
Die regelmäßigen Updates geben das Gefühl, dass die Weiterentwicklung stetig gegeben ist und die Software im Wandel ist, mit der Zeit geht
Inconvénients :
Nicht immer erkenne ich die Vorteile der Updates, manchmal geht es um Fehlerbehebung
MacOS Big Slur is a must to try
Avantages :
Apple security, Aesthetics, seem-less interface, amazing memory management and resource allocation.
Inconvénients :
Installation is a bit problem. Many users have seen installation failed messages including me. Installation guide needs to be improved.